The Elevate Media Podcast

Exploring the Healing Power of CBD and Hemp

August 21, 2023 Inesa Ponomariovaite Episode 278
Exploring the Healing Power of CBD and Hemp
The Elevate Media Podcast
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The Elevate Media Podcast
Exploring the Healing Power of CBD and Hemp
Aug 21, 2023 Episode 278
Inesa Ponomariovaite

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Have you ever wondered how natural remedies like CBD and hemp could transform your life?

In today's episode, we dive deep into the world of plant medicine with Inesa, a passionate advocate and expert in the field of CBD and hemp. Her own personal journey from health crisis to complete transformation using hemp and CBD is nothing short of inspiring. But that’s not where her story ends; her mother's cancer diagnosis led her to study cancer and natural health cures, equipping her with the knowledge that has aided hundreds of people and set her on a path as a holistic health coach.

Together, Inesa and I navigate the often confusing and unregulated supplement and cannabis industry. We dig into how these natural remedies offer a holistic approach to health with far-reaching benefits. The potential of CBD and hemp is enormous, from inflammation and sleep issues to various other imbalances. Plus, we delve into the lesser-known aspects of natural remedies - the endocannabinoid system and telomeres- and how the traditional pharmaceutical industry approach often falls short in addressing the root cause of health issues.

Wrapping up the episode, we stress the importance of taking control of our health. Inesa's journey, from her mother's cancer diagnosis to her advocacy for CBD and hemp, highlights the power of understanding our bodies' natural health. But it's not just about knowledge; it's about action.

So, we encourage you to step up, make informed decisions, and take charge of your health. Join us, learn more about the amazing world of CBD and hemp, and get inspired by Inesa's incredible journey.

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Have you ever wondered how natural remedies like CBD and hemp could transform your life?

In today's episode, we dive deep into the world of plant medicine with Inesa, a passionate advocate and expert in the field of CBD and hemp. Her own personal journey from health crisis to complete transformation using hemp and CBD is nothing short of inspiring. But that’s not where her story ends; her mother's cancer diagnosis led her to study cancer and natural health cures, equipping her with the knowledge that has aided hundreds of people and set her on a path as a holistic health coach.

Together, Inesa and I navigate the often confusing and unregulated supplement and cannabis industry. We dig into how these natural remedies offer a holistic approach to health with far-reaching benefits. The potential of CBD and hemp is enormous, from inflammation and sleep issues to various other imbalances. Plus, we delve into the lesser-known aspects of natural remedies - the endocannabinoid system and telomeres- and how the traditional pharmaceutical industry approach often falls short in addressing the root cause of health issues.

Wrapping up the episode, we stress the importance of taking control of our health. Inesa's journey, from her mother's cancer diagnosis to her advocacy for CBD and hemp, highlights the power of understanding our bodies' natural health. But it's not just about knowledge; it's about action.

So, we encourage you to step up, make informed decisions, and take charge of your health. Join us, learn more about the amazing world of CBD and hemp, and get inspired by Inesa's incredible journey.

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This episode is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links, meaning we'll receive a small commission if you buy something.


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Our mission here at Elevate Media is to help purpose-driven entrepreneurs elevate their brands and make an impact through the power of video podcasting.

Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all our episodes or videos on the Elevate Media and Elevate Media Podcast YouTube channels.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Elevate Media Podcast with your host, chris Anderson. In this show, chris and his guests will share their knowledge and experience on how to go from zero to successful entrepreneur. They have built their businesses from scratch and are now ready to give back to those who are just starting. Let's get ready to learn, grow and elevate our businesses. And now your host, chris Anderson All right.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back to another recording of the Elevate Media Podcast. I'm Chris Anderson, your host Today. On your journey as an entrepreneur, a lot of the times your self gets put on the back burner, your health gets put on the back burner, and so today we've actually brought on a guest, an expert in the CBD and hemp field, to share some controversy, some things that are going on behind the scenes within that industry, what it is, but how it can benefit you naturally as you're trying to build your business. Because you know health is wealth and you're the captain of the ship and if you go down, the whole thing goes down. So we want to make sure our health is always priority and sometimes that's hard. So excited to have Anissa on the show today. Anissa is all about CBD and hemp, an expert in this. So, anissa, welcome to the Elevate Media Podcast.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much for having me here today, and I was smiling when you said it's going to be really controversial, and that's exactly how it's going to be. Just be ready to hear things that you probably never heard before. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I'm excited to dive into this as well, with my background being in health and wellness. Like the natural ways are always something I'm intrigued with, and kind of digging into the pharmaceuticals pharmaceuticals on my own like kind of seeing all that is kind of eye-opening.

Speaker 3:

So first you know, let people know, like what got you into dealing with CBD and hemp first, it's pretty long story but I'll try to make it super short, and even short version might appear to be long, but I was just being like all of us living a life, trying to get my stuff together, especially when I came in the United States. I was age of 21 and, you know, nothing was given to me here. I went through quite a few challenges. In fact, I have a few companies are really want to create the documentary on my life because they feel like it's really interesting for them. So for me, just, I feel like it's just life lessons and God in choosing between the dark and light and all that stuff. So, long story short.

Speaker 3:

As I came in the United States age of 21, I met someone that I fell in love with and I said I'm just going to stay because of that relationship. It wasn't that easy. Of course, he tried to convince me how amazing our future is going to be and of course, that future did not appear to be so amazing and I got trapped and by that time I lost my status in the country, which is legal status, as you know, like it's not easy to be illegal here if you want to do things right, if you don't want to if you want to follow the law and things like that. So you know it was. It was not easy and I also had order protections and things like that. So I had to. I had to go through a lot of life challenges. I would say that taught me a lot, but at the same time, my health my health never was good, even when I left back home in Lithuania. But my health got really bad to the point where it could not function, could not leave emergency rooms every couple of weeks and I spent all my money in ER because I had no insurance as someone who's unknown or not identifying this country. So so, with that being said, after 10 years going on medications, 10 years of seeing doctors and lots of pills, antibiotics and not getting any better, in fact getting worse and quitting on my life situation.

Speaker 3:

Whatever I was going through that time I was really in pretty devastating health conditions. I could not function and I said these doctors, these visits that I'm spending my very hard work dollars are actually not helping me. It's actually getting worse. So I start questioning the system and simply talking to people around and people say why don't you do this? And then somebody suggests me to do something I just would go online and look into, whatever. So what happened is I started changing my lifestyle. I tried I start changed everything what I do, about my sleep, the way I function, the way I eat, what kind of waters do I drink. So that led me to, within one year, to full health transformation and within one year I never been on any kind of type of pill for the rest of my life. Up to today, which has been over 10 years now, I've been very healthy.

Speaker 3:

I don't even know what disease are, but so the plant medicine or the plant world, or the food, and you know that planted a seed in my brain and my heart that it can help me because it did help me from completely miserable, barely, barely walking, barely functioning, barely couldn't even breathe, kidney infections, gut highs, lung situations like oh my gosh, like I went from all these conditions and pills living. I was a queen of medications and I looked like I'm 75 year old and I was 24 year old and it was. It was like what's going on.

Speaker 3:

So that little change got me so excited.

Speaker 3:

I went all the way in and it planted a seed in my brain and I said I believe in this route more than anything because it did change my life, but that wasn't enough.

Speaker 3:

To, you know, say I'm going to change the world, that kind of type of thing where I'm on a mission today, but that wasn't enough.

Speaker 3:

So I still was gathering my life together, putting all my stuff together, which is was a lot to go through, and you know, what happened is finally, after five years or four years, I'm sorry I settled everything where my life is really like living American dream, stable job, building my other money on the side, like really becoming the best in what I do that time and, with that being said, like having finally my car, my apartment, my legal status on the country, like I feel like, oh my gosh, I can fly, I can meet my family again 10 years later, so, so, and I said this is it, my health is perfect, I have this perfect life based on a piece of paper after settle in and I said is this American dream? And this is what America is about? Is that I'm not serving any purpose, that what I should be doing now show going old party every weekend, or like what is this whole if it's about?

Speaker 3:

So I started questioning the purpose in life. What is my purpose, what I need to do here, like what, what I need to accomplish on this planet? Because I was truly not satisfied with the internal feeling. Even on piece of paper, my looked, my life looked amazing, but the internal was telling me in NASA, something is in the right, it's, you're not fulfilling your mission. So I went on my knees, I just prayed and asked God. I said please tell me what's my purpose in life, please tell me what I supposed to do. And after one year begging him to tell me what to do, what's my purpose, I got my magical phone call and it was my mother and she was back. She still is back home in Lithuania and and never going forget that morning.

Speaker 3:

That was the life changing morning for myself, for my family and the world. She said she had cancer, six months left to live, and she said I'm dying. And as she is speaking, I am having tears of joy and literally telling my mom how amazing is her news. And she's like trying to repeat again, because she probably thought I misunderstood something. And I said I was praying so hard for God to tell me what's my purpose in life. And I just got all the answers right now, right here, and she was like are you praying for God for me to die A second now?

Speaker 3:

She couldn't understand what's going on, poor lady. So she literally decided because it was seven o'clock in the morning. So she said I need to FaceTime you because she knows as a kid that used to sleepwalk and sleep talk. So she, she thought maybe I'm doing the same thing because she knows I'm not taking drugs, no medications, no alcohol. So she knows mentally I'm very stable person. So she knows that's not a mental situation. So maybe I'm sleeping and talking. So I got a FaceTime, my daughter. So she faces me and she says Mom, I said I'm not sleeping.

Speaker 1:

I said I know what you're doing.

Speaker 3:

I said I'm making my shake right now. I'm about to go work out and I know what you're saying. I said I just want to tell you this. Your cancer right now is changing the world. She said how? I said, mom, I always knew cancer is curable, I just never knew how.

Speaker 3:

And because it happened to you, I will travel the world, I'll do whatever it takes. I will pick every possible cancer cure. I am 1000% sure we're going to be able to beat your cancer and, naturally, and with that knowledge, I'm going to bring the world back where they're supposed to be, where people walking cancer free. And I said you, literally the answer to my prayers. I said I need to work on this cancer thing. That's it. There's nothing else. I need to. And I didn't mean bother to think I'm not a doctor or I'm not a scientist at that point. Even I almost became one at this point. But but, with that being said, being so confident and being so fulfilled when your mom tells you she's on cancer diagnosis and being so content, full and like this is all good, like this is amazing.

Speaker 3:

So, yes, I was a little bit nervous in the beginning because like how, like where I'm starting what I'm doing here, like where I'm going now, all of a sudden I need to go back to Lithuania, which is the same day. I called my boss, I said I'm leaving. I said I saw first the wheel, both flights 7pm leaving from Moher, chicago back home to Lithuania through Poland, and that's what I did. I jumped on the first flight the same day I left the country, never slept again until today I've been. I spent 27,000 hours on cancer, on worldwide research, to work with the most genius brains in the world. I learned a lot. I helped hundreds and thousands of people to be healthy today and cancer free and thank God to my mom's situation and, yes, we never done chemo or radiation. And cancer today is definitely my passion, my bread and butter. When I learned everything about cancer and then learned the corruption and industry and real science not the science. We want to show you the real science and when I learned what is the chemotherapy after investigating doctors, interviewing doctors, recording doctors on my phone, traveling the world and meeting them, like picking the science, picking the evidence, talking to the cases that have been cured and not, and understanding the difference and reading every possible book out there. So I was like this is it. I knew for a fact and that's exactly what happened. So I actually was able to quit my job and start helping people and I helped a lot of people. Also, and because I helped a lot of people funny part of never even had a website for that consulting company, not one day in my life. And I was always booked three years in advance If somebody had autism, somebody had anything, diabetes. So, god, to the point where, yes, I grew my name. And because of the evidence, because you can't, I tell people I don't care about your science, I don't give what PhD, what doctor you are in. If you can't cure any disease or any possible disease, even flu, or you don't know where the disease is coming from, then the problem is not about your diplomas, it's about you. I don't care what medical school you're coming from.

Speaker 3:

I had a beautiful young girl. She's a doctor in Mayo Clinic. Beautiful, precious angel, you can tell. God gave her bigger mission. She's I'm not going to mention her health condition, but she's in this point where she came from emergency room in my house, in my hyperbaric chamber and she is tearing up Last night. I'm actually getting interviewed on our podcast. She's upstairs doing her chamber and she's in tears and she says and, as I feel, don't get, I don't know what the stem cells are, she doesn't know the regular things that function on a daily basis. She had to Google this entire time while she's in the hyperbaric chamber. What is the hyperbaric chamber? So the things like even oxygen, you know, which is like such a common thing is it's not even on the public Information, like the doctors not even aware. This poor little thing last night, like so she had to Google and she's a doctor in Mayo Clinic. So young, beautiful angel. So you can tell how.

Speaker 3:

Again, I am pro science. But just be honest with me. You know, don't push one agenda to make money, let's focus on people and results. So that's what I said when you produce results, nobody can deny you. I don't care who you are, nobody can ever deny it, because results speaks louder than words.

Speaker 3:

So, and that's how I became the holistic health coach.

Speaker 3:

It's funny they called me coach, but I'm really not a coach.

Speaker 3:

I guess people transform lives from from absolutely miserable to absolutely best and in very critical stages, sometimes stage four, stage five, and you know. So that became my field, that became my bread and butter, that became my passion and that became where I start fighting for people in humanity, because I knew the pain, I knew the pain they're going through. So, and as a holistic healer, someone who works in a holistic medicine, I always have to look for quality of products, because I learned the science and politics behind the supplement industry or herbal medicine industry, or technology and frequencies and nano and all that stuff. So I said I need to know what's in those CBD products. Because more questions I ask these companies that are representing CBD companies, which is long time ago, because now we have our own brand for over five years, but it's been a while. But these companies are still running the market, they're still the largest on the market and I said let me ask them questions. But, like I was talking more like inequality and how it's going to affect your body.

Speaker 3:

So, it turned into more questions. I asked more questions. I have, and that's I said this is not a good time and I know essentials of human and or cannabinoid system. I can't wait, by the way, educate audience about this event. People are going to learn today about their own and or cannabinoid system. They're going to be fired up. Let's just get there in a minute. So I know essentials of the human and or cannabinoid system and I know how critical is to fire up that and or cannabinoid system and if you don't, you're going to be pretty miserable. So and I know the federally is legal for us to even learn about this, because they don't want you to talk about this on mainstream media, which is they never allowed me to. They want you to doctors to have this in the school systems. They don't want in the medical school systems.

Speaker 2:

So why is that? Why don't you think they want that in the out there?

Speaker 3:

Why? It's very simple answer. Like human and or cannabinoid system is one of the most essential things to regulate your entire body. Hundreds of systems. We have these receptors, millions of receptors. It's called and or cannabinoid system, and then we have those. We produce our own, these cannabinoids. We basically produce almost the same thing as what the hemp plant produces in our body, but they somehow forgot to tell us that.

Speaker 3:

In fact, they don't want me to tell you that, because it's not illegal. It's absolutely not legal. I'm sorry so, because if you empower your own end of cannabinoid system, you regulate your entire body and you're gonna be off the pills in the next three months. And if you're gonna be off the pills in the next three months, we're gonna lose America's GTP.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So you see what I'm saying. The problem is, it's not about not finding the cures. The problem is how we can actually create more money. So this country is created on people being sick. So don't always blame your doctor, because the poor guy doesn't even know that he's been brainwashed, groomed in these medical schools.

Speaker 3:

He's been trained to become a drug dealer. I'm sorry, but that's you now. The doctor's not even allowed to promote vitamin D or C. There's actually doctors from Harvard who are today been kicked out from this country and I talked to them. I did. They've been kicked out from this country as a terrorist because as an MD from Harvard. They're promoting vitamin C, vitamin D supplements and things like that. So that tells you, if you're a Harvard doctor that was born and raised in this country as an American, was kicked out from this country for promoting what's good for you Instead drugs, and that doctor became a terrorist. I mean, that's also how bad things are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, we definitely think if we could heal ourselves, which I mean through plants and different means, like you're talking, the hyperbaric chamber, things like that the pharmaceutical industry would be hurting for cash. And I think, you know, it's funny, like looking into that a little bit more, just from my end like and I believe it was Rockefeller who had all the oil and then that translated over into being able to create medicine and things of that nature, which then I mean it was just all controlled to keep people, you know, needing more, basically, and so you know what, what other corruption Like, what other thing that people might even think about out there, or how can they even go about getting into this natural field to improve their lives without, you know, all these doctors?

Speaker 3:

We offer an amazing program and I was also begging out to tell me how to make it more available to more people, because I used to always work one person at a time, max five people a month and that gives me full time work because it does. It does take a lot of time to skincare one one person, if you truly do to take care of them. So I was begging God what I need to do. We can't do this anymore, because I feel bad sometimes, for people say no, you have to wait for another year because there's no, I can fit you anywhere. It's like I have no time. I physically not capable, unless I'm going to quit on my sleep completely. So, and I already have 1718 hours schedule a day, six, seven days a week. So I was at the final taking my day off on a weekends for six years later, which is never had one before. I don't even know what the day off is. Even Christmas I used to work until my family could send me. So. So, the dead being said, I think there's a lot to learn. First of all, there's a lot to learn and, as I said, the supplement and cannabis industry is not regulated unless you investigate these people the way I did, but just takes a lot of time and lots of money. You will know better for yourself or you can hear from the horse's mouth, which is myself. I'm not saying I'm perfect and everything, but at least I did the homework to know exactly what's out there, because I was terrified to put anything in my body, in my mom's body or anyone's body. Because we have amazing reputation based on results and I can allow some supplement company or some CBD company to fail me because they decided to run their business with no integrity. And then you find out that 99% of CBD companies actually running their business with no integrity, then I realize I'm in a big problem. The whole country runs today CBD business with no integrity. Cbd is not even part of the plan. Cbd doesn't even exist on the plant. There is no such thing as CBD. Cbd is a drug and that single one person even knows about this CBD. If you're going to go on a smart Google that is controlled by very smart people, they're going to tell you that CBD is actually a drug for epilepsy. It's called Epidolix. So everybody think this whole CBD is coming directly from the plant. So they forgot to tell you that CBD is a drug and it's completely controlled substance. Not yet, but it's going to be in any minute because it starts happening this year. Then people say so and that's a wait a minute, like they always confuse about THC and CBD.

Speaker 3:

And now in CBD you're talking about another thing the way we know you can patent nature. Can you go on patent spinach today? No. Can you go patent avocados? No, because it's a natural form. Anything that's nature, based on America's law or world's law. You're not supposed to patent these things. You can't. They belong to all of us. And if they patent CBD, that means it's not a natural form.

Speaker 3:

And that's what got me on those investigations. When I learned that the CBD is completely patent and I started scratching my head, I said so what is in the plant? So I start investigating these plants. I flew all over the country, met the farmers, studied the structure of the plant and then I just send it to laboratories to test what in these plants, to figure out, besides finding mold and metals and other deadly substances, I realized there is no CBD in the plant. There's a CBD, and the CBD is actually a thousand times stronger, more powerful and is original version of the compound of the plant. So I'm going to summarize right now. If you take the plant raw version of the plant from the soil, which is hemp, correct?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I'll be talking about hemp and I'll actually explain the difference between hemp and cannabis. So if you take the raw hemp plant, there is no THC I'm sorry to make you disappointed that you can't kill your brain and there is no CBD. There's only other compounds they call THCA and CBD. The THCA does not make you high and doesn't cause any psychoactive reaction, and CBD also doesn't make you high. So what is CBD? It's the original version of the plant that is more powerful, more stronger and more effective on your endocannabinoid system. And if it's more effective on your endocannabinoid system, that means you're going to have faster, amazing results, to be healthy again and say goodbye to your pills.

Speaker 2:

And this is what you use to help your mom right? That was one of the substances we used One of the natural things.

Speaker 3:

If you would say go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Like it has a lot of benefits. What are some of those other benefits that it has? If you're able to get that CBDA, the actually the good stuff for you. What can it do for you?

Speaker 3:

Magical, just the way your body does it for you when you're born and you have your own kind of cannabinoid system that produces those little cannabinoids, which is a little bit different form, but they're like cannabinoids. So what they do for you, they control the entire well-being. So, for example, what I know for fact, we helped people with inflammation.

Speaker 3:

You can have absolutely Inflammation to the point where you can walk on your feet and you take the product to see results. People with sleep, people with any kind of type of imbalances. Because what happens is and I'm trying to teach people To understand one thing stop thinking like a doctor, because they not been designed to think certain way. They've been designed to think the way what's benefiting only one thing and only one source, which is pharmaceuticals. Why do we see that? Because when something is broken in your system, or, let's say, if you have a Issue of your brain or your memory or something like that, will CBD is gonna help? Cbd is gonna help you, absolutely. Yes, but you need to stop thinking about your symptom in your brain. Why? Because your brain is not produced in your brain. Your brain is produced in your gut and the reason gut is not working properly, most likely your liver doesn't filter, most likely have fat liver. You have a spleen issues. I have a stomach acid issues, because stomach acid doesn't break things down and then causes more assist, like it's. My question is everybody thinks about you. See how they went from brain to the stomach acid. Yep, so then I say this is gonna help you, it's gonna help you systematically, because it's the only one product can help you systematically is Litty, our product, and I'm not joking. It's gonna target your spleen, your liver, your kidneys, your brain, your vision, your hair growth, is gonna target every single part in your body, including your central nervous system. It's gonna empower all of them.

Speaker 3:

But that's the whole point. You never want to work on the one symptom, you always want to work on the system. That's why we never lost the case. That's why nobody ever today can be beat my success track record. Not single one person never met. Because when I was so overwhelmed with my clients and the people I work with, I Tried to hire a doctor or somebody, a holistic doctor, anybody who can help me to Take load of my work. That single one of them. I agree to do it. I had a guy he worked for dr Mercola for many, many years and I said he said I said can you please take some of those cases? But you have to make sure that all of those people are satisfied with results. And when I shared with him, what kind of cases do I take is I don't take such a heavy cases.

Speaker 1:

Those are heavy duty like those are too dangerous.

Speaker 3:

It's like that's the whole point. Gotta take those cases and you gotta make help them to make them. You have to help them to get better. So Nobody could help me. That's why I created Regenesis 369, so we finally can take people in a massive scale instead five at the time.

Speaker 3:

So, that being said, your essentials is your central nervous system, is your andro-canabinoid system, and If you take pharmaceutical drugs like CPD that are loaded with mold and mercury and Aspecialis and multiple other deadly, deadly, deadly, deadly micro toxins, which is there's no regulations to keep those companies accountable. That's why I spent tens of thousands of dollars on other brand's testings, because every time I used to test their brand, I used to find Absolutely red, red, red, positive for this, positive. For that I call these companies. I said you know you positive from old. Who cares? It's only in parts per billion, in parts per million. We're still good and we still have a USDA logo. I said why you worry about USDA logo? Because we know these bottles are loaded with Substances that actually is gonna damage people for long term and eventually it's gonna kill them. It's like, oh well, but we have logo, we have a USDA certification. So I said that it doesn't satisfy me. So we have a major problem because this industry is not regulated. We have that means these brands and companies can put whatever they wish to in these bottles and nobody's gonna keep them accountable because there's no guidelines. Unless you're crazy about People and passionate to help people, then you're gonna create your own safety guidelines, like we did in Nassau's hemp, and there is no education.

Speaker 3:

As of today, I still I'm still not allowed to go on mainstream media and educate you on your own and or canabinoid system. That's been discovered 40 years ago by Dr Mesulim from Israel and this is the science that no one can deny. This is not my science, I just learned from the best. So this person, multi-nobal price winner he discovered this thing for us. He discovered wait a minute we have something in our bodies that if we empower because we lose it now, I think children lose their andocannabinoid system by age 18 or 20. The production in andocannabinoid system that means you become deficient of this, and when you become deficient of this specific thing that I'm holding in my hands, that means you're gonna your systematic, your system is gonna start falling in the part and it's gonna pop up as a symptom for the brain or the symptom for your gut. You're gonna see the smart doctor that has actually been groomed by pharmaceutical companies, and this doctor is gonna give you a pill instead.

Speaker 2:

Empower your andocannabinoid system, yeah yeah, a lot of times I feel like and again, no fault to them, because this is how they've been taught, they've been led on their path as doctors but like it's just a band-aid, it's just a let's make the symptoms feel better, so you think you're getting healthier, but there's no real underlying cause. That's being treated a lot of the times and it's the same. Like I've looked into a little bit with cancer and the telomeres and stem cells and things like that and like fasting and all of these things that we can do naturally. Like it's just fascinating that and kind of irritating that we don't learn about this stuff. Like I went to school for athletic training and in anatomy, physiology, chemistry, we didn't learn about any of this stuff. It was, you know, just this is how the body worked, but we never were told about the endocannabinoid systems. We none of that and none of these.

Speaker 2:

Like natural quote, unquote natural remedies, like how the body works with oxygen and stem cells and telomeres. Obviously you might hear more about that when you go into medical school, medical school, but they probably just high, high level over it, kind of. So it's an interesting yeah, so there's a lot out there. If you, if people are listening and like actually start digging into, like natural ways to take care of yourselves. It just, it's really a you can get down some deep rabbit holes with the corruption, and then what there is out there to help yourselves.

Speaker 3:

You know you're absolutely right and I really want people to understand this thing. When I because I'm pretty aggressive, because I'm tired of BS, I'm really tired Like I just want people to be healthy and I want the justice and I can't handle anymore the lies, because when you just live your regular life and you need to pop this pill and see the doctor once a year, for you it's different. Men, I love this daily. Many people come to me when they had me clinic, when they had all these different doctors or Northwestern, you name it I work at Litz myself too, by the way so then you see how miserable they've been dragged all over the world and they still no cure, they still know nothing, just like this girl.

Speaker 3:

Last night I just I met her second time in my life and she is a young doctor in me clinic. Okay, everything that I taught her last night and right after happy bear chamber, she had no clue what I was talking about. And me clinic is actually labeled as a best medical facilities in schools in the world and I have this little doctor as, again, she's the most precious. She's literally with tears in her eyes. She says in NASA, I wanna help people. I believe in this more than anything.

Speaker 3:

But I'm so stuck because now I just got this mirror thing and I'm like so you see what I'm saying? Wait a minute, she's not making millions yet. From the moment she's gonna start making millions she's gonna get too stuck, because now she has car loan, she has two kids, now she's responsible to report for her kids. Now it's even thank goodness she's still single and she's still young and everything. But when you have all the family responsibilities and everything, you are really stuck because a lot of decisions you make in life based on the situation in your family. So and then you end up being where you are because it's comfortable.

Speaker 3:

I never go and say that to one of my friends. And again, I'm still surrounded with a bunch of doctors, but all the doctors I've worked with in including some of them in daily basis, all of them are quit their medical field and ripped off their medical diplomas, sent it to the medical school, said thank you, how do you teach me how? You taught me how to kill people so, but they had to have a guts to do that. Those are very, very noble people. Those are not regular doctors, okay. So what I'm trying to say is I'm not angry for some reason. I am angry because I see people being miserable while when we do our programs and I tell people all the time if you don't feel like a superstar, I don't care what condition you have.

Speaker 3:

In two weeks in our program, I'll pay you triple. First of all for wasting your time with me. The second is for actually paying all the money you paid on the program. And the third thing for anything else you want to send you on vacation from the relaxer brain, because you're never supposed to See no results. You, if your body is getting tools to heal, the right tools, you need to see results, no matter how chronic you are. In two weeks. You don't see that. I'm sorry, you're in the wrong path. And the sad news is now I don't know single doctor on this planet who produce you any type of results in two weeks, where you can be off your pills in two weeks. I don't know anybody. And that's why I get upset because if you see, they just hook you on these drugs and you become a customer for life and if you quit the drugs, then you have more problems because now we have all these symptoms and they put you on the labels and tells you so again is a vicious cycle and makes me upset because I've been miserable my

Speaker 3:

family was diagnosed and now what I see in daily basis after so many years being in this field. Talk into the doctors traveling the world. I work to Mexico clinics. I've been all over the world. I've been all over the world with this topic. This is my life, this is my passion, this is what God wants me to do and that's why I'm upset, because I stand for the justice and I stand for people and I stand for you to be free from any government agendas.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's a it's a powerful thing you're doing and I think it's needed. I think I'm thankful for you to be in on our podcast and all the others you're getting out there to share this message in a way that you know they're trying to stifle on on mainstream media. So I Hope you continue this journey and stay safe and, again, appreciate you being on our show. You know, if we can Kind of wrap this episode up and we could, we could keep going, obviously, and dig into even more of this, but what be? Three things that you would want to leave with people as we wrap up this episode, anissa.

Speaker 3:

There's many more than three. I wish you can do 33 things. Three things should be essential ones. Let me the one thing what really stresses me when I see people and I take things personal because it really hurts me, I think people killing missiles slowly, as the CBD industry is the same as coffee industry there's no regulations, okay, so you can whatever you want. When I see people drinking coffee on an empty stomach and the coffee is full of mold that today, at least in Illinois, they don't even have insurance companies for for the lawsuits from old anymore because there's too much mold. Health conditions like almost all of us load them, all doctors not gonna check you for and you're gonna have neurological issues, asthma, you're gonna have kids or you can have all that stuff. So Then I see people paying Money in Starbucks, especially on empty stomach, empty stomach Do you know what essentials are?

Speaker 3:

Empty stomach? Then you sleep. When you sleep they also don't teach you that in medical school when you sleep, you produce a brand new cells. Those cells are extent there. They're so responsible for you to keep your telemeters long, which is Biological age rule of as long as you wanted to, not as long as your government told you, but as long as you wanted to be used to live forever. They forgot to mention that fact too. Just the way, forgot about and a cabinet system. So? So what happens? You produce those cells and those cells when you sleep there. When you get up in the morning, they sit in only one spot in your body, only one it's your gut. So when you take acidic, moldy coffee on empty stomach, you kill and wipe off all these cells that were supposed to keep you through the day. Fight, empower immunity, fight for disease, so you can be happy and healthy and don't even feel that your body, the genius body, is fighting for something, as long as you have army of those cells.

Speaker 3:

But I see most Americans right now. They get up in the morning and that said, let me do this faster and kill myself, and first thing they do is drink the coffee. So I please, please, please, please that industry is not regulated. If you test the coffee the way I did, these coffee products are loaded with mold. So you have to make sure you test lab results in parts per billion, not parts per million, because your body functions in parts per trillion. So be aware of your coffee, please, because that's gonna kill you faster, because God's gonna give you those beautiful cells in the morning. They're sitting in your gut. Longer you sleep, more you produce of those cells. They're responsible for your brain, for your mood, for your heart, for your everything. Stop killing yourself. Number one note, please. So number two note I would say don't allow anyone to tell you what to do via health.

Speaker 3:

Don't allow anyone to tell you. If the doctor tells you something and he gives you a pill, god bless this person. But ask them how many people they cured of the disease. I Bet you they can't even say the five or three, because they're gonna tell you how many people they hooked on drugs. So, when the doctor tells you something, the doctors not a God Doctors families and husbands and wives are dying today, and children, they don't have a cure for themselves.

Speaker 3:

So Do you become in charge of your own life? Okay, but don't allow anyone, even me, question me. Don't allow me to tell you what to do. Not single one person should be in charge over your health. And the third thing, what I would say is If you're not gonna take your health seriously right now, you're gonna regret in two years from now, because everything was going on in the world right now is against so much the natural health of for you to be healthy. Or they try and wipe off every possible law right now, or they're trying to bend Superfoods. They trying to change completely the food industry at the moment. It's happening. It's my world. I live and breathe in this At the moment and later on. If you decided to be healthy, I'm sorry, but most likely you're not gonna have an option to be healthy. You will decide it. I mean it's gonna be too late because we really have a lot of bad stuff happening behind the scenes right now, and it's actually not a behind the scenes if you read that's all.

Speaker 3:

It's all published documents. Of course, not gonna be a mainstream needy. You have to go with the game and the laws are passing through and find these documents yourself. It's absolutely a nightmare right now. All the food is getting taken away from you supplements, food, minerals, everything, everything. And If you want to get better later on it's probably gonna be too late.

Speaker 2:

Hmm well, I think those are three good ones to end with and, like I said, those are could all be there in the vigil episodes. But an SI, we really appreciate you again coming on here and just being so transparent of what's going on, what you're seeing, you know, in the in the health and wellness field, and not and what's not being shared with us, but what you're sharing with us now so we can make better choices going forward. So again, thank you so much for being on the elevate media podcast today.

Speaker 3:

Be healthy and be safe awesome.

Speaker 2:

And make sure you guys are listening this go, you know, follow a Nessa, and that's actually let's. Let's take a step back. Where can people connect with you and find out more about what you do?

Speaker 3:

It's actually very easy. We have an amazing customer support. This girl is so passionate about each of you it's absolutely all our team members is. I've been blessed because they would do anything for humanity. So, yeah, if you go and Nessa's hemp with just any as a s Nessus hemp calm, you can reach out to me I mean not me directly, but my team and ask any questions About the product or services or anything Anything. You truly are there for you for any type of kind of question. We'll get back to you and we have a team that cares about your family.

Speaker 2:

So Nessus hemp calm is truly the best way to connect with us at the moment so, everybody, make sure you get connect, connected with Nessa and her team and Just check out everything they're doing to better humanity with these products and the education they're putting out there. And, yeah, take your health into your own hands, learn about the body, learn about what's out there naturally to help you and, like and as I said, don't just let one person dictate or take control of your health. Do it for yourself. So share this episode with somebody who might be struggling with their health, who might need to take control of that, so we can help more people together by doing that. So, but until next time, go out there, keep, continue to elevate your lives, elevate your businesses, and we'll talk to you later.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the elevate media podcast. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review. See you in the next episode.

CBD and Hemp
Cancer Research and Holistic Healing Journey
The Unregulated Supplement and Cannabis Industry
Educating on the Endocannabinoid System
Importance of Health and Taking Control