The Elevate Media Podcast

Shifting Perspectives from Victim to Victor

Chris Anderson Episode 395

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Stumbled across a note from my late grandmother, and it sparked a profound realization about perspective during life's trials. Let me, Chris Anderson, share with you the wisdom that can turn your darkest moments into opportunities for immense personal growth. In this heart-to-heart session of the Elevate Media Podcast, we explore the crossroads we encounter when faced with hurdles, whether in entrepreneurship or personal life. Prepare to be inspired by lessons from D.L. Moody and the enduring influence of my grandmother, as we discuss moving beyond a victim mindset to embrace learning and growth.

This episode is more than a podcast; it's a beacon for anyone feeling swamped by the demands of life and business. We delve into the art of transforming tests into preparations for greater service and stepping stones on your path to success. Learn how to enhance communication, foster personal development, and use the trials you overcome to support and uplift others. Join me on this transformative journey, and let's collectively elevate our mindset to emerge stronger, wiser, and ready for whatever the future holds.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Elevate Media podcast with your host, chris Anderson. In this show, chris and his guests will share their knowledge and experience on how to go from zero to successful entrepreneur. They have built their businesses from scratch and are now ready to give back to those who are just starting. Let's get ready to learn, grow and elevate our businesses. And now your host, chris Anderson.

Speaker 2:

Are you struggling right now? Do you feel like everything is just going wrong in life and business, feel like you can't get ahead? Well, this episode's for you. Welcome back to the Elevate Media Podcast. I'm Chris Anderson, your host Today. I want to bring you a little motivation, and so I hope that does this.

Speaker 2:

You know, I was doing some organization around the desk earlier and I found this note. It's from my grandmother, my late grandmother. She passed away in 2016 and she was a very wise woman and she always would write me letters, especially when I was down in Texas for a stint living and working, and she would always, you know, have little things to say encouragement, motivation, things of that nature and you know, face is a big part of my life. It was a huge part of her life. A huge part of her life, which is a big reason. It's part of mine. And I found this from her and I believe it was actually in her Bible that I have on my bookshelf, and it was a quote from DL Moody and also some things that she wrote under it. So whatever she was going through at the time, so the quote from DL Moody is this looking at the wound of sin will never save anyone. What you must do is look at the remedy. And so she wrote to that our faith is tested, and we have to learn that Christ is our only source of help in times of trouble. In times of testing, god is preparing us for a greater service, and so I want to share that with you. I don't know where you stand, and that's okay. I hope you can still take something from this. I hope you still have an open mind and take something from this today, because we all get tested, we all go through trials, we all go through situations in life that aren't ideal, and that's normal. That's a part of life. Unfortunately, you know, we are fallen sinful people, myself included. We make mistakes, we say things we don't mean. We shouldn't say we hurt people. Unfortunately, that's just part of it. We do our best not to, but it's going to happen, and so that causes other issues, obviously.

Speaker 2:

And when we go through these testings in life, we have a couple options. We can either focus on the test and say, oh, what was me? Why is this happening? Can't anything go right? When is my turn?

Speaker 2:

And that's the first option, the victim mindset or you have the option and opportunity to see that testing, that trial, and say what can I learn from this, how can I grow from this, how can I improve in this situation? And if you can shift your mindset from the victim to that growth mindset, one things will change. You'll have a different insight. So things won't seem as bad, won't be as bad as if you were just focusing on them continuously. So, when you can shift to what, what can I learn from this situation? How am I being, how am I growing right now, what is what am I supposed to be going towards to get better at? Maybe it's, you know, you said something bad about someone else. How can I improve and not talk bad about others? How can I see myself differently so I don't have an issue with someone else and say something bad?

Speaker 2:

So, like, if you can shift your mindset to in the moment, in those testings, to see it as a learning opportunity, a growth opportunity, you're going to be so better off because we always have them, they're always going to come, and so if you can see it as you're being prepared for a bigger platform, for a bigger step, for that next level, it's going to ease the strain just a little bit because you're going to know that you can grow from this, that you're going to get stronger, that you're going to get smarter, that you're going to get wiser, that you're going to be able to help someone else later who's going through that same thing you went through. So if you can see it, have some sort of silver lining on those testings, then it's going to change. It's going to change. You know the outcome, because you're not going to be stuck in pity party central. You're going to be moving forward out of the storm. And so I found that and I wanted to share that with you all today.

Speaker 2:

So again, the old movies quote looking at the wound of sin will never save anyone. What you must do is look at the remedy First. He's talking about Jesus as the remedy and instead of looking at other people's sin and pointing it out, instead of looking at yourself and just beating yourself up, look at Jesus and see his example of what he did for us and build that relationship with him. If you haven't, but then what my grandma said in times of testing, god's preparing you for a greater service. So if you're going through a tough time you know it's just a chapter Stop focusing on the negative and try to see a silver lining, and I'm always here for you. So go out there, continue to elevate your life, and we'll talk to you again soon.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Elevate Media Podcast.

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