The Elevate Media Podcast

Elevate Your Business with Interactive Promotions

July 01, 2024 Daniel Den Episode 411
Elevate Your Business with Interactive Promotions
The Elevate Media Podcast
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The Elevate Media Podcast
Elevate Your Business with Interactive Promotions
Jul 01, 2024 Episode 411
Daniel Den

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What if you could capture the attention of high-profile executives and dream customers with ease? In this episode of the Elevate Media Podcast, we sit down with marketing genius Daniel Den to unlock the secrets behind his X-Factor Effect Methodology. Daniel's approach, built on nine distinct pillars, is designed to help businesses break through the marketing noise and authentically connect with their ideal clients. He shares stories of his successful interactive book box experience and underscores the importance of celebrating small victories along your entrepreneurial journey.

Imagine sending a package so unique it bypasses gatekeepers and lands directly on a decision-maker’s desk. Daniel explains the power of "shock and awe" packages inspired by Dan Kennedy's teachings and the psychological thrill of unboxing experiences. We delve into how these attention-grabbing tactics can fit various budgets and incorporate elements like personalized videos to make an unforgettable impression. The conversation highlights the creative potential of these strategies to elevate your marketing game and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

From custom video books in wedding services to leveraging quizzes for lead generation, this episode is packed with innovative ideas to boost engagement and drive sales. Daniel shares insightful tips on integrating physical marketing tools with digital follow-ups, ensuring a seamless and trackable sales funnel. We also explore unique strategies for trade shows and targeted marketing, emphasizing the need to make a memorable impact. Tune in and discover how to transform your marketing approach with actionable insights that promise to resonate with your audience and enhance your business growth.

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What if you could capture the attention of high-profile executives and dream customers with ease? In this episode of the Elevate Media Podcast, we sit down with marketing genius Daniel Den to unlock the secrets behind his X-Factor Effect Methodology. Daniel's approach, built on nine distinct pillars, is designed to help businesses break through the marketing noise and authentically connect with their ideal clients. He shares stories of his successful interactive book box experience and underscores the importance of celebrating small victories along your entrepreneurial journey.

Imagine sending a package so unique it bypasses gatekeepers and lands directly on a decision-maker’s desk. Daniel explains the power of "shock and awe" packages inspired by Dan Kennedy's teachings and the psychological thrill of unboxing experiences. We delve into how these attention-grabbing tactics can fit various budgets and incorporate elements like personalized videos to make an unforgettable impression. The conversation highlights the creative potential of these strategies to elevate your marketing game and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

From custom video books in wedding services to leveraging quizzes for lead generation, this episode is packed with innovative ideas to boost engagement and drive sales. Daniel shares insightful tips on integrating physical marketing tools with digital follow-ups, ensuring a seamless and trackable sales funnel. We also explore unique strategies for trade shows and targeted marketing, emphasizing the need to make a memorable impact. Tune in and discover how to transform your marketing approach with actionable insights that promise to resonate with your audience and enhance your business growth.

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This episode is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links, meaning we'll receive a small commission if you buy something.


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Our mission here at Elevate Media is to help purpose-driven entrepreneurs elevate their brands and make an impact through the power of video podcasting.

Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all our episodes or videos on the Elevate Media and Elevate Media Podcast YouTube channels.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Elevate Media Podcast with your host, chris Anderson. In this show, chris and his guests will share their knowledge and experience on how to go from zero to successful entrepreneur. They have built their businesses from scratch and are now ready to give back to those who are just starting. Let's get ready to learn, grow and elevate our businesses. And now your host, chris Anderson.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back to another recording of the Elevate Media Podcast. I'm Chris Anderson, your host, and today we're going to talk about marketing. And again, right, a lot of things in business have to do with marketing getting leads, closing leads, selling all this stuff comes down to marketing. But we want to take a little bit of a different approach today, because we've talked about ads before. We've talked about, know, cold outreach, things like that. But how do we break through the noise? How do we get the attention of maybe those bigger fish that we're trying to hook line and sinker in here? So, uh, brought on daniel den today.

Speaker 2:

Daniel is a marketing genius, uh, and also sales genius. He's been doing about two decades, um. He's co-creator of X-Factor Effect Methodology, where him and his team have helped over 20,000 students and clients grow their businesses. He also teaches that difference is the new, better, and his framework includes nine pillars of differentiating your business so that you can become a market leader or category king or queen. And for several years, daniel also was able to travel the world with his wife and four kids until they finally have settled down in Florida. He's also the author of a new book, the Ideas that Influence, and it was built to help business owners discover their own wildly successful marketing ideas, and he also sent me this box as a hey, can I be on your show? I want to show you what we're about. And it's it's all his ideas that influence an interactive box book box experience with his book in it, and it was fantastic. So, daniel, after that intro man, I think we can call it, we're good now, but welcome to the LVMU podcast man can call.

Speaker 3:

We're good now, but welcome to ldm podcast man. Hey, chris anderson, thank you so much. It's a pleasure to be be here. Uh, the elevate media podcast with the elevate media group. People love your podcast, chris. I really I was talking about it right before the show like the structure where you do like a couple and you're talking about all these really cool insights and then every third episode you're bringing on a guest. People are absolutely loving it, congratulations. Is this the 390th, I don't know Fifth episode? I don't know. It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

We are just launching this coming Monday. No, this Monday was our 390th episode coming out, so 391. Yeah, man, it's just crazy how many from where we start. I appreciate the kind words on the show for sure. I hope yeah.

Speaker 3:

All since 2021. Man kicking butt, taking names, and now you're about to start traveling around even more. Yep, which is exciting. Going around, uh, you said, like vegas and texas and all these different places with your video marketing agency. Man, you know what I love? I love when we can align our business with really fun stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cool, and that's the thing. And that's a lot of people you need to think about too, because a lot of times we think about big picture of our journey and every time we think of it it's like a new thing in the future. But I was telling you before the show that was something I wanted. I wanted a business that I could travel and see more of the world. And you know, just saying it when we were talking like made me remember like that's what I wanted when I first started, like that was a piece, a goal I wanted to hit. And we're doing it, and I almost just glazed over that fact. And so, like you know, maybe tonight I'll celebrate because I haven't celebrated that small wind up being able to travel now with the agency. And we've got to remember that. Remember the goals we set and when we hit them you know when our prayers are answered make sure you're like, oh yeah, wow, that one was answered. That's awesome.

Speaker 3:

As you continue to the next goal. So yeah, celebrate, celebrate it and then fly me out. I can help.

Speaker 2:

There we go, do it. That's awesome. But yeah, man, no, I'm excited and again, this is, this is a crazy. I've never, uh, gotten anything like this like a marketing tool. Like literally, this was in a box with a mug and some other things and batman's uh, he gave me some cool information. Batman sent me some information on other clients and things. It was, I mean, you put a lot of work and effort into this. Like what made you go with this kind of path with your mark, like with this book in the box and everything like that yeah.

Speaker 3:

So everything we do, it's called the x-factor effect methodology. You mentioned it. We've got nine different pillars. It's all about breaking through the noise. And in 2024, to break through the noise, you have to do things different, but not just different for the sake of being different. You have to do things differently in a way that your dream customers love. So I could be different just to be different. I could be like, hey, I'm going to open up a restaurant and I'm going to start serving, like, ice cream on top of spaghetti with, you know, meat sauce. And, um, now, I don't know about you, but when I said ice cream with spaghetti and then pouring meat sauce on top of it, I went from like, oh, ice cream is interesting too. Oh, man, that's fancy. Like what are you talking about? Now, theoretically like, that's something different, right, but it's not something different. That falls into the paradigm of something different that your dream customers will love. So we play in the realm of let's do things wildly different in a way that breaks through the noise, but let's verify, before we launch it and spend all this money on it, um, that it's something that our customers are gonna love. And so what I did with the box was.

Speaker 3:

I had this epiphany and a mastermind in mexico talking about traveling, uh, and I was sitting next to the right of me, if you know, josh and Ashley Latimer. I was sitting next to them, amazing couple. And they were talking about their kid journal called the Kid Word Plan. And I have one here and it's amazing and people absolutely love it because it's difficult. And so it's this kid entrepreneurial journal. I'm like, oh yeah, people love it and it sells like crazy because it's different.

Speaker 3:

And then I was also sitting at the same table with my friend, mark Stern, and he owns an agency called Custom Box Agency and he's all talking about how, like, with the, this concept of these boxes, it's a way to stand out. And he was telling me all these different stories about how some of his clients have kind of doubled their conversion rates, which is a big deal in 2024 to be able to just double your conversion rates. And I was like this is absolutely insane. And this was right around the time when, um, I had fit. And I was like this is absolutely insane and this was right around the time when um I had fit.

Speaker 3:

I was like finishing the editing process for ideas, that influence, which is pretty much, um, like the coolest thing I've ever created was this book, and I was like this is amazing. And my editor was like this is amazing, people are going to absolutely love it. And then I had this realization am I going to launch my book just like everybody else? Am I going to fall into the trap of the sea of sameness? Am I going to launch like everybody else launches, which the plan was? I was just going to do a free plus shipping book okay but how many free plus shipping books are there in 2024?

Speaker 3:

yeah, there are a. Do a free plus shipping book, okay.

Speaker 2:

And how many free plus?

Speaker 3:

shipping books are there in 2024? Yeah, there are a lot of free plus shipping books. Now, back in 2015, which I believe is right when Russell Brunson launched dot com secrets and did it as a free plus shipping book, that was a really unique concept. So, 2015, free plus shipping book, 15 free plus shipping book incredible idea. Differentiated idea wow, this is amazing. But 2024 wow, not so much.

Speaker 3:

Oh, another free plus shipping book, which it still works, don't get me wrong. Right, but I'm like all right, so I gotta do something different. I, we are the x factor people. We gotta break through the noise and we've helped 20 000 students and clients. We, we have to break through the noise ourselves.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so the idea was I'm going to launch the very first ever free plus shipping interactive book box experience where it's a free plus shipping book plus an entire box experience and so, as you know, ch the box comes with five experience envelopes. People open at certain times during the book and they get access to different tools and gifts and presents which we all love. The whole box experience is kind of like opening multiple presents for yourself, but absolutely has everything to do with marketing. And I verified it with my custom, my dream customers. I said, hey, this is what I'm thinking about doing, what do you think? And then, of course, everybody was like dude, like that's the coolest thing ever, you have to do it, so yeah that's awesome and I think that's a good point too is to verify with that.

Speaker 2:

but you know, say you're going after people, these, these big fish who are. Maybe they got some gatekeepers Like how do you, how do you verify within those kind of markets? I mean, do you ask the gatekeepers like, are they going to know necessarily, or how do you go about verifying that?

Speaker 3:

Well, when it comes to it, you're asking if this, how easily this type of product, if you send it out to somebody, gets through the gatekeepers. Yeah, yeah, pretty much Like the success rate of getting a big box like this through the gatekeepers is around a hundred percent. Okay, now, of course it's not 100%, but it's, you know it's, it's approaching 100%.

Speaker 2:

But do you verify the idea of it with maybe someone in the same position but maybe not as hard to talk to? I guess Is that kind of one of them. I'm trying to pitch the CEO of Apple, the CEO of whatever five guys the likelihood of me talking to them are pretty low Just saying, hey, do you think this idea is good? So, like, how do you verify an idea that are that are geared towards that level of c-suite?

Speaker 3:

I guess, yeah, the best way for me personally, where I said, okay, I have enough faith to move forward with something like this, where, like this can grab the attention of the you know the top one percent of my dream customers, that the whales, right, yeah, um, so I am addicted to listening, to listening to old dan kennedy trainings, okay, and he actually had in one of his trainings don't don't ask me which one because he has, like he actually had in one of his trainings. Don't don't ask me which one, because he has like 200 different courses. Yeah, but he talks about how to, how to catch a whale. Like that. That's like I don't, I don't know, maybe that's even the name of it like how to, how to catch a whale, like how to catch the whales, and and he mathematically goes through and he's like you know, inside of your industry, you know the top one percent, the biggest errors, like they're worth this amount and you know some of them are, you know, more than multi millionaires that they have. You know they're doing hundreds of millions of dollars. Some of them are billionaires.

Speaker 3:

And so he's talking about how to catch a whale and in this specific training he once again talked about the concept of a shock and awe package. Now he goes into the psychology of why, when people receive a box, and this is where I was like, oh, like this works for anybody. Now, the psychology of a of a box, it goes For you and I, chris, and everybody else that's listening To how we Got excited as kids when Christmas came around, all these boxes and they're wrapped up and we just would get so excited. In fact, I mean I remember personally, like I would Lay next to the Christmas tree tree for weeks and, like you know, I'd pick something up and I would analyze it and for weeks I'm like wanting to open this box. And then he talked I mean dan kennedy's talking and he's like and that's why this, this was the kicker and that's why unboxing videos on youtube go viral. And I was like oh yeah why unboxing videos go viral?

Speaker 3:

because the brain is tricked into that same feeling of opening a present. And so any box you send through that's big enough in size, like those ceos or whoever it is you're trying to land those whales they're all gonna tell the gatekeepers hey, you know any box, just go ahead and send it right through, because I love opening my boxes yeah, that's a good point, and think so.

Speaker 2:

Then it goes back to like so this is, I love this idea and, like, we've been trying to toy around with the idea of doing this as well with some bigger clients. But the idea like so what? Like what is it? Like? What could set you apart? Like I mean, obviously you could send a book with a letter or something you can. Um, you know, I think chet holmes in his book said he set um rubik's cubes or something to his his targets and was like let's help you um break the code or break the power. Like figure out the puzzle of your marketing or whatever. It was something like that. Like like it's just being creative but also within the budget right as well, because it's expensive. So like, how do you come up with the good ideas that that hit? Obviously trial and error, some, but you know, do you have a process on picking ideas that could could work to get people's attention?

Speaker 3:

uh, yeah, 100. So, um, when it comes to specifically like ideas that influence, like in marketing messages, we have our methodology we talk about in the book. We can dive into those seven elements. When it comes specifically to the box concept um, to be honest with you, to the box concept, um, to be honest with you, I've heard a very few failure stories when I was descending this type of thing, um, and then, when it comes to what I would do for a video marketing agency, um, so one of the things that I want to try out soon as a follow-up and in my funnel is you know, you know, when you send, uh, uh, when people, it's a small box and I have one and I and I, and for some reason I miss, oh, here it is actually, this is, this is very, uh, fortuitous, okay, so I, I received these and so when you open them, it starts playing a video.

Speaker 3:

There you go, daniel Caleb, here with the Video Box Company. This is what they sent to me. I paid for that and they sent it as an example. That's a very simple way to break through the noise and catch attention. If I remember correctly when I was quoted on the cost of these, I think you can get them out, for I think the hard cost is like $10 a piece plus shipping, which is pretty good, a piece plus shipping, which is, which is pretty good. So if you've got a, a list of a hundred people and you do a hundred personalized messages, just like that, people think that this is so cool that they show it off. In fact, once again, I'm showing this off. It's not even my thing right anyway.

Speaker 3:

So caleb with the video box agency, you're welcome, you are that's something like we've looked at.

Speaker 2:

We've actually looked, I think we've looked at his company, um to do something like that.

Speaker 2:

We know we, so our, our agency. We also have an arm that, uh, that does weddings, um as wedding, all the way through real the business video podcasts in our agency and we'll we have a custom book like that, uh, that we just give the couples for free that plays their wedding video, um, and we present it at, like when they go to, uh, to not trade shows but the bridal expos and things, the team, yeah, and so they're like, oh my, the brides are like, oh, that's so cute. And they're like, yeah, you get this for free. So we, we've implemented that within our, I guess our pitch, um, when, um, when we're, when we're at those states, but yeah, I love, like it's just brain, like, because you know, hard, direct mail used to be the thing, right, um, and now you don't get it so often, yeah, so when you get a box, like you said, it's like, oh, my goodness, like I want to see what.

Speaker 2:

Like, when I got yours, like I knew it was coming and I was like super pumped because like, yeah, what exactly was going to be in it.

Speaker 3:

So, um, when it comes to the value of the attention I uh, since you're a video marketing agency, you've probably Dot you, you have probably dived into metrics where, like, you see what, like the conversion rates are from the people that have completed watching the videos. Right, what happens when you send out, uh, these types of boxes? One of the biggest benefits is that you get a really high consumption rate. So I've sent this out, as this box is gifts to people that have told me so they didn't even buy it. Like I have buyers too. You can go to big ideas boxcom and you can buy one and I'll ship you one out. It's free plus shipping. That was what I was telling you. The whole story is, I had the first free plus shipping interactive book box experience, but me sending this as a gift to people. I've had people that I sent it as a gift to them and they read the whole book and went through all the envelopes. Like this is that it's like the consumption rate is just through the root, yeah up.

Speaker 3:

Like this is that it's like the consumption rate is just through the root yeah and if you look at the value per completion with whatever that you what, whatever you're trying to sell for example, if you had a one-hour webinar and if your box for the people that you're trying to get to sign up for your wedding videography services, if it included a one hour webinar leak, that you think that's the call to action Go watch the. We'll go watch the video. Go watch the video. Go watch the video. They're receiving the gift. I don't know. Maybe it's got you know those fun white chocolate popcorn balls inside of the gift and then it's got you know a couple of flowers and then it's got the call to action to go watch the video and then it has you know a little portfolio of some of your work. Maybe that's your shock and awe for these individuals looking to have a wedding videographer come out, and then if you start tracking, you'll likely see that out of a hundred that you're sending out, like more than half of these people are like watching this entire one hour sales pitch, right, and then when people watch this whole pitch lots of times it means what they end up turning into a buyer, and so it's the consumption rate that just goes through the roof, and then that's the reason why this strategy with these shock and awe packages works so well.

Speaker 3:

I'll give you one last real statistic to get people fired up. This is a cool one. This is a really cool statistic. So from my buyers. I tracked my first buyers from the box because, without me asking, I started to get all these unboxing videos on social media and really positive comments on social media and I was like, oh I'm so, this is exciting, this is amazing. But it was almost like unbelievable how many I was getting. So I tracked it and I figured out out of all of my buyers, more than a third so more than one out of three buyers posted about the box on social media in some way, shape or form, praising it.

Speaker 3:

Now if you have a product or service that you're selling and more than a third of your buyers are posting about how great it is on social media, then you've hit a home run. You've in 2024, you've hit a triple grand slam that you'd have hit a triple grand slam that is unheard of in 2024.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, and that is huge and so like I wonder with that too. So you know you sent this box out. It gets to the person that it's meant to go to. They've seen it. Is the process in and you mentioned a little bit have a call to action within that that sends them somewhere else so you can track it? Do you follow up with another physical item or is it now they're in the funnel digitally online? Is that the process or do you have another physical thing that goes out if they don't know?

Speaker 3:

whatever the cadence is, yes, the plan is to have all of that, and the truth is that this box was recently launched, this year. Right, and so I plan, like with these video boxes, I was like, well, what if my you know? So the best thing to do, like if you're trying to get the attention of your dream customer? This is a standard process for the shock and awe packages. First you send out a postcard because you want to see how many postcards come back. If a postcard gets sent back to you, then you don't want to spend all the money to send them a box. The box is just going to get sent back to you.

Speaker 3:

You usually start with one postcard, or maybe two, letting them know that something special is coming. Okay, so it's. It's like, hey, we got something special, like a free, get like it or send it to you. Right, that's one way to do it, okay. And then, and then you know mailing number three would be your shopper package, and then mailing number four or five and six and possibly seven would be a mix of some maybe, maybe other little smaller lumpy mail items and or postcards as well, cause it's really it's really cheap to send out postcards, yeah, but I think. But people like they see it. They see it and they remember. Oh yeah, that's right. You know, chris, he sent me this really cool package in the mail, so and and he's reminding me one more time to schedule the consultation or whatever- it is for sure.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome and I think it's good to have it planned out. And I'd love the idea of sending the postcard first to, to validate the, the address and all that as well, because obviously, you know, everyone has budgets and we want to make sure we're not just wasting money, throwing money away to an address. It doesn't work or doesn't get to the person. So I think that's a huge saying. You know, is there something that you see within these like call to action, like we talked about after the shock and all Obviously, there's a bunch of ideas you can do for the physical product. Just kind of be creative within your market and tailor it to your, you know that ideal person.

Speaker 2:

But the next steps, you know you get them called action. Maybe it's a webinar, Maybe it's a webinar, Maybe it's a quiz. Do you see something in the markets today, in 2024, that is a better call to action than maybe we've seen in the past? You know, going to a video taking a quiz, you know it used to be way back in 2020, not even that long ago was oh free ebook, and now I feel like that's kind of been overdone. It used to be back in 2020, not even that long ago was oh free e-book, and now I feel like that's kind of been overdone, Is there a good call to action that more people actually take action on nowadays, conceptually.

Speaker 3:

So, chris, you've probably heard people talk about the analogy of the emotional bank account. Yeah, and once you fill the emotional bank account high enough, then you can go for an ask. If I send out this box to you, I mean, this is it's like it's obvious, like it cost me a lot of money to send this to you, absolutely yeah, almost immediately the emotional bank account is full. So the most common call to action, specifically with a shock and awe package, is to book a call. You want that one-on-one sales opportunity? Yeah, now, on the flip side, and not to confuse everybody in the digital marketing world, quizzes work like gangbusters when, on Facebook, instagram, even Google, the quiz strategy works really well for lead gym and for generating sales as well, because you are taking them through the quiz and then having your call to action afterwards for them to get their results and then take whatever other action that you want. The quiz, partially, is filling the emotional bank account, if that makes sense. You're giving people information about themselves through the quiz. You're doing them a favor by presenting discoverables to them through the quiz process. That's why quizzes work well, because, inherently, somebody sees oh look, I can take the quiz, so I can discover something that I need or that I can discover something about myself. So there's something in it for them to start taking the quiz and then for them to get their results, there's the call to action and then you get your win back.

Speaker 3:

This is different. This is direct mail, um specific, you know. Or if, uh, you were at a home show and you were marketing your bridal show and you were marketing your bridal services, anybody that dropped their name into, uh, your giveaway, you're sending out this direct mail piece too, because now you have your, their address, you know that they're planning on getting married soon. You know that they're interested in a videographer. They haven't called you back up yet, but they're a potential buyer because they the type of person that goes to bridal shows which is a great buyer, by the way right the type of person that's paying money, an entrance fee, to go into a bridal show. He's a buyer, is a buyer, is a buyer, as Dan Kennedy always did.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I think, and no, I think it's a good, good point and you know, again, I love it, like this has been, and I've got to dive even more to your book and the one of um, because, yeah, we're really and we're really trying to cut through the noise and be different as a video agency as well, on the business side, corporate side, because on that side we do video, podcasts, brand story, promo videos, things like that, and we want to do retainers with social media, more retainers with social media content and videos and things like that. So like scoping out, you know, and a lot of it is in the skilled trades and then like consulting those kind of two worlds and a lot of it is in the skilled trades and then consulting those kind of two worlds, so how can we break through into some of these bigger businesses that maybe don't have video, and so how can we get the open?

Speaker 3:

door, and so I might go ahead with this stuff. You're going to be a very busy video agency very fast, yeah, and it's like an idea just literally just popped in my head.

Speaker 2:

So you guys get to hear this firsthand. Well, let's go trades, like if I, if we were doing a roofing company and we were pitching to them, we could, we could send them like a hammer with like a a box maybe not a glass box, but something like let's break through the noise on social media with video and they can break to open or something, have like something inside, like a gold, piece of gold, or something like let's break through social media. I don't know, that's just popped in my head well, that reminded me that there was.

Speaker 3:

How old was it. There was a, a monthly box subscription where, like you would like hammer to open the, the monthly. I like I remember something like that. I forget. I forget what it was called.

Speaker 2:

I'm they're probably still around great, great joy or something, create something great. I remember something like this, but yeah, that just popped in my head, I was just trying to like it's like specific a little bit. Plus, I mean, people like to break stuff when they can right, and so I I feel like that'd be memorable. Like let's break through on social media with video content, um, and it kind of plays together. Yeah, like now at the bridal show we were going to do, um, let us take the stress out of hiring a videographer and we're gonna have a massage therapist there doing chair massages, um, for the brides, as they came around to break the noise the night before, the massage place said, hey, we're not actually going to be able to send anybody out. I won't tell the name of the massage place because it's irritating. We had to redo the whole marketing of the event. I think that team was up to, and I was up to like three with them.

Speaker 3:

Like trying to figure this out. So, oh, come on, chris. Extreme ownership you needed to stay up all night and learn how to become a masseuse, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we had to pivot, which is something else you get to learn Learn the pivot and go with it. But yeah, so we were kind of and I actually got that idea from not directly from, but Chet Holmes, actually it might've been a direct idea he had in his book the Ultimate Sales Machine. But yeah, just you know, because at these trade shows in business, like we're talking about, you've got to break through the noise, you've got to do something different, that that aligns that you know fits with what your target audience wants and will use, but sets you apart and makes you memorable, and I think that's that's the biggest thing. So how can you do that? What's in your budget?

Speaker 3:

yeah, and there's some really easy ways to do it as well. Yeah, um, so we, we don't want people to break the bank, right? But I mean mathematically though, if you're selling something high ticket. So, for example, um, let's say, you do the, the simplified idea of the shock and awe packages and you do the video boxes, but an ad on that is what?

Speaker 3:

well, if I, well, if I send out to 100 brides or potential future brides, so 100, and let's say it cost me 15 each. 100 times 15 is 1,500, right, yeah, so I land one, yep, you're covered. One out of 100, and I've paid for all the boxes. And if I land five, I've hit a grand slam. We can do this all day, every day, and be the most famous wedding video offers around, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so yeah, I think that's great and and you could be creative without breaking the bank as well, and yeah, I just love these ideas of being creative and and breaking through. So this would there be anything else that you would that we haven't hit on today, that you want people to know about this kind of methodology, with the ideas of influence as we round out the episode?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's some really there. There are some really cheap ways that we can, you know, break through the noise, give people experiences. I, I remember I forget the name of the book, but fascinate or something like that, and the the the name of the book, fascinate or something like that, and the name of the author. But she talked about a bubble parade at the hospital. Oh, nice. And so the bubble parade concept that she oh, here we go, I found it. I found it, here we go. The book is so Sally Hogg said. Yeah, I knew that Sally Hogg said so.

Speaker 3:

Here's her quick story. So this, this just goes to prove that there are free ways to break through the noise and to absolutely delight your dream customer. So she said in in her book I had a magical customer experience, my daughter Azalea. I had a magical customer experience. My daughter Azalea had minor surgery. Everything turned out just fine. But ahead of time she was a little nervous. Specifically, she was concerned about being wheel wand as she went into the OR immediately. As she went into the OR immediately, azalea smiled and forgot to be afraid. I just witnessed my daughter's customer experience switch from anxiety, you know, patient in less than 10 seconds. That's all. So there you go.

Speaker 2:

That's like like something free, that like it's so true, the experience, like if you can, I always felt like it's the experience that people want, like uh, because they can get all the information, but if you can create the experience and make it different, that's like, why do you go to uh lambert's it's a restaurant out here in midwest at least because they throw rolls at you.

Speaker 2:

It's the experience like oh my god, yeah, they catch the rolls. It's like like, why do you go to certain things, like why do you adults still love disneyland? Because it's the exact it bring them back to nostalgia. Why do you do these things? A lot of times it's the experience, it's what it makes you feel, rather than the necessary outcome. And so, yeah, I love that. How can you do little things to create a better experience?

Speaker 3:

When it comes to the X factor effect. So there's nine pillars that we talk about the customer experience, giving people magical experiences, it's one of them. And so when it comes to everything you and I do, chris, so you've got a video marketing agency. Technically, um, the video production side of things is a commodity, like other people can do it. Yeah, right now we don't like to admit that our products or services are commodities, but let's be honest ideas that influence a marketing book is a commodity. How many marketing books are out there, right?

Speaker 3:

right so one of the main ways we can differentiate and break through the noise is through experience, and what's cool about experience as a differentiator is that the experience that chris anderson provides through his video marketing agency is going to be completely different than the experience that anybody else creates. And the experience that I create through my interactive book box experience well, it's the only one in existence, but if somebody did copy what I'm doing with this interactive book box experience, their experience would be completely different than my experience.

Speaker 2:

What I'm pointing out here is that all experiences that you create inside of your business are a differentiator, because you will create experiences different than everybody else will create different, uh, experiences for sure, yeah, and I think leaning into that uniqueness and what you bring and doing it the only way you do it is huge and not try to copy anyone else, because it's being you and being unique. That experience is going to be different, and always trying to. You know how do we make it better. You know how can we make the experience better, uh, and improve and innovate new ideas, um and so, yeah, I love that, and I think you know if people haven't gotten your book and they need to check it out and need to connect with you, uh, so, daniel, where can people best reach out? Learn more from you, uh, and get connected?

Speaker 3:

Awesome. Thank you so much, Chris. So the best way that I love to start the relationship is I want to give you this experience into your hands that we've been talking about. So get it for free. You just pay shipping and handling. Go to bigideasboxcom, Put in your you know you'll see the box and everything Put in your shipping address. Just pay shipping and handling and ship out the whole experience to you. That's the main way, my preferred way in 2024, for us to kick off the relationship together.

Speaker 2:

Go to big ideas boxcom and grab your box awesome yeah, it's an experience, guys, for sure, and and you know, I'm excited to dive even deeper into it and finish through it and, uh, it's definitely worth it. So, um, like I said, it sparked on our side. What can we do better to break through? So definitely check that out, daniel. Again, thank you so much for being on the Elevate Media Podcast today.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much, Chris. You're amazing.

Speaker 1:

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