The Elevate Media Podcast

Unlock Growth with Influential Networks

July 12, 2024 Chris Anderson Episode 416
Unlock Growth with Influential Networks
The Elevate Media Podcast
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The Elevate Media Podcast
Unlock Growth with Influential Networks
Jul 12, 2024 Episode 416
Chris Anderson

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Feeling stuck in your entrepreneurial journey? Imagine stepping into a room where award-winning philanthropists and business moguls are sharing their secrets to success. This episode of the Elevate Media Podcast dives into the transformative power of surrounding yourself with high achievers. During a recent trip to Chicago, I had the privilege of mingling with some of the most inspiring individuals in the business world. These encounters reminded me of the crucial role that our social circles play in our growth and success. Learn how immersing yourself in environments where you're not the top dog can drive you to new heights.

Discover why it’s essential to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. From recording multiple events over the weekend to reflecting on the impact of strong networks, this episode will push you to rethink the company you keep. Whether you're attending conferences, collaborating on projects, or building relationships through social media, it's time to elevate not just your business but your entire life. Tune in and let’s grow together by embracing the discomfort that paves the way for success. Don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review to help us continue elevating together!

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Feeling stuck in your entrepreneurial journey? Imagine stepping into a room where award-winning philanthropists and business moguls are sharing their secrets to success. This episode of the Elevate Media Podcast dives into the transformative power of surrounding yourself with high achievers. During a recent trip to Chicago, I had the privilege of mingling with some of the most inspiring individuals in the business world. These encounters reminded me of the crucial role that our social circles play in our growth and success. Learn how immersing yourself in environments where you're not the top dog can drive you to new heights.

Discover why it’s essential to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. From recording multiple events over the weekend to reflecting on the impact of strong networks, this episode will push you to rethink the company you keep. Whether you're attending conferences, collaborating on projects, or building relationships through social media, it's time to elevate not just your business but your entire life. Tune in and let’s grow together by embracing the discomfort that paves the way for success. Don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review to help us continue elevating together!

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This episode is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links, meaning we'll receive a small commission if you buy something.


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Our mission here at Elevate Media is to help purpose-driven entrepreneurs elevate their brands and make an impact through the power of video podcasting.

Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all our episodes or videos on the Elevate Media and Elevate Media Podcast YouTube channels.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Elevate Media Podcast with your host, chris Anderson. In this show, chris and his guests will share their knowledge and experience on how to go from zero to successful entrepreneur. They have built their businesses from scratch and are now ready to give back to those who are just starting. Let's get ready to learn, grow and elevate our businesses. And now your host, chris Anderson.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back to another recording of the Elevate Media Podcast. I'm Chris Anderson, your host, and today, if you've been following along, you might see the scenery is a little bit different in these videos Doing a little vacation with the family down at the in-laws in Texas, and I still wanted to create some content. We had a project come up and this was specifically this episode that I flew to with the team to Chicago and we were recording multiple events over the weekend and it really got me thinking of the people we connect with, the people we build relationships with, the people we are around and learn from is super important on our journey as an entrepreneur, as a business owner, as a freelancer trying to grow an agency, because the people you surround yourself with, they're going to either bring you down or they're going to raise you to another level, and so being in these rooms over the weekend reminded me of a different level. These individuals were winning awards. They were winning the Lifetime Presidential Achieve presidential achievement awards and just doing a lot of amazing things as far as philanthropy goes and business goes and levels above where I'm at, and it just reminded me that we have to get into rooms that we're not the best and we're not at the top, because there's so much room for growth and when you stay in rooms that you're the best or at the top, you stifle your growth. It's more, for you know just that self-feeling of self-worth and you know, making yourself feel better by being in the top. So these rooms, these individuals like being able to learn from them, and hearing their stories and hearing what they're doing changes your perspective on you. Know where you are, what you could do and other things that you could aim towards. So that's why it's so important to get in these rooms, whether it be through projects like this that we had, or just going to conferences, getting involved in these different events to learn and connect and start building different relationships. And so now you know, through social media, we're able to follow and continue to build these relationships with these individuals, and you're going to continue to learn, you're going to continue to be, uh, help yourself elevate in business and in life through learning from these individuals. And so I wanted to share that today.

Speaker 2:

If you know, if you're constantly in the same rooms where you know you might be the top dog, or you feel like you're the top dog, or if you don't feel like less than or awkward, then you need to check the rooms you're in, because getting in these bigger rooms where no one knows you, you're not at the top of the totem pole, is going to be. It's going to be. It's going to make you have discomfort, it's going to push you out of your comfort zone, but that's the only way to grow and get to that next level. So making sure that the people you're surrounding yourself with and the rooms you're getting in or assisting in your growth and not taking away from it.

Speaker 2:

Because it's easy to stay in that comfort zone, it's comfortable, that's the purpose of it, but it can really deter from your growth by just keeping you at the same place and not allowing you to be challenged and not allowing you to have that growth that is needed. So if we stay in those comfortable rooms, those comfortable positions, too long, it actually starts to hurt us and not allow us to continue to succeed. So something I learned over this production weekend we did in Chicago and I'm sure I'll have more episodes on things I learned from that, but I wanted to hit on that one the importance of who you surround yourself with and the rooms you're in. So make sure you're getting out there, stretching your comfort zone, stretching your. You know, the individuals you know and talk to, and continue to go out there to elevate your life, elevate your brand and we'll talk to you again soon.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Elevate Media podcast. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review. See you in the next episode.