The Elevate Media Podcast
Join Chris as he chats with successful business owners and entrepreneurs and shares his own lessons and successes of building Elevate Media Group.
His mission is to help coaches bring in more clients through video podcasting and content creation so they can elevate their brands and become the experts in their industries without all the time spent doing it.
The Elevate Media Podcast
Unlocking Superhuman Selling
Discover the transformative power of superhuman selling with expert Elyse Archer as she shares her journey from childhood sales adventures to mastering the art of selling with empathy and ethics. We promise you'll gain insights into overcoming the limiting beliefs that hold you back from realizing your sales potential. Elyse's story of selling McDonald's Happy Meal toys as a child illustrates how early experiences can ignite a lifelong passion for sales, revealing the importance of this skill in both professional and personal realms.
Prepare to shift your mindset as we explore how personal growth and self-awareness can catapult your success. Learn how understanding your personal rhythms can influence both business and financial growth. We discuss the traits of successful individuals, such as decisiveness and self-trust, and how creating a "board of advisors" comprising aspirational figures can provide fresh perspectives. By adopting the mindset and habits of those who've achieved greatness, you'll be inspired to take transformative actions in your own journey.
Sales strategy takes center stage as we delve into the impact of personal branding on sales success. Building a positive self-concept can significantly influence outcomes, regardless of similar strategies. From nurturing client relationships to enhancing current practices, discover how strategic improvements can foster organic growth and increase opportunities. We share the power of using media platforms to position yourself as an expert, encouraging you to leverage modern communication methods to make sales interactions feel more authentic and engaging.
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Welcome to the Elevate Media Podcast with your host, chris Anderson. In this show, chris and his guests will share their knowledge and experience on how to go from zero to successful entrepreneur. They have built their businesses from scratch and are now ready to give back to those who are just starting. Let's get ready to learn, grow and elevate our businesses. And now your host, chris Anderson.
Speaker 2:Welcome back to another recording of the Elevate Media Podcast. I'm Chris Anderson, your host, and today we're going to dive into a topic called superhuman selling so something we all can get better at, myself included and it's pivotal for your business growth, whether that be you being a one-man show or you have an agency. Like us, we all need to improve our selling, and so we brought in an expert to talk about that, elise Archer. She has podcasts, she has her own brand and she's been doing this. She's exited multiple companies, so she knows what she's doing with selling. She's won awards for it. Go check her out to get all the details of that. But I want to dive right into it. Elise, welcome to the Elevate Media Podcast today.
Speaker 3:Thank you, Chris. I'm excited to be here and I know this is going to be a fun conversation.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. So yeah, selling, you know people hear that word and could send shivers down their spine and feel queasy like I don't want to be a salesperson. I don't want to. I don't want to be a salesperson, I don't want to be salesy. What makes you love selling?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I do love selling, funny enough, which may people may think I'm really strange and I say that also having probably bumped up against almost all the limiting beliefs and the mental challenges that we can run into with that. So I've been taught and been told to use all of the icky closing strategies. I've been in scenarios where bosses when I was working in corporate have told me to hard sell and do whatever it takes to get the sale. I've had fear and anxiety about money. So I say all of that to say I understand if someone hears me say I love selling and they're like, okay, I just can't really. But I will say you know, even from an early age I think it was maybe when I was four years old I fell in love with the concept of selling. Now, this is I. I had a ways to grow in the ethics department.
Speaker 3:When I tell this story, but I just remember, um, I have to remember those McDonald's happy meal toys that people used to get, yeah, and so my sister I had a little sister and, um, we had a big bag full of them and I was like we're not really using these. You know she's not using them. No one's played with these anymore. I'm going to go sell them door to door. So I take all her toys, all her happy meal toys, which, again, and a ways to grow in terms of compassion and empathy and ethics, and I think I've done that. But but selling them door to door and, you know, got a lot of no thank yous but I got some yeses and I was like this is amazing and so went into sales right out of college and kind of rose up the ranks in corporate and there's a lot that happened in that journey where I experienced some challenges and some contrasts that have inspired what we do today with superhuman selling and she sells brands which I'm happy to speak to.
Speaker 3:But I think, for anyone listening, I think most people not maybe not everyone, but I think most people highly value money, freedom and time freedom and some of the best ways to do that are being an entrepreneur or being commissioned sales right and you really can write your own ticket. You've got to have a lot of self-belief, you got to, you got to have a lot of drive, but for someone like that, who wants to kind of control their own destiny and also like serving people, likes helping people and wants unlimited potential in their life. I think it's the best thing you can do and we've all heard this, but it's true. We're all in sales, like so if you're thinking I don't love sales, what is she talking about? I'd never want to do that. You're in sales. If you're a parent, you're in sales.
Speaker 3:If you're a spouse, you're in sales, we're always selling something Right, and so I think just adopting the identity of someone who is great at sales, love sales, does it in an ethical way, is one of the most important things we can do to help catapult our career, regardless of whether you're currently nine to five or you're running your business, and it really is a game changer.
Speaker 2:So yeah, you mentioned parents, like I just think of my three year old and one and a half year old and I'm like I have to try to sell them every day, like to do everything. So like I get more active, oh, totally, yeah, hey, eat this. Oh, you don't eat it, you know. Oh, you don't want to pick up your toys. That's a training phase. Right now was a, we had a man.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so talk about selling, learning that. So that's a big sell. Yeah, and you mentioned in that that you had limiting beliefs and people oftentimes have these limiting beliefs that keep them from becoming a better salesperson. You know, being a good salesperson I think is is seeing the need of what you have that can help someone and showing them the same thing that it can actually help, and not be, you know that, that hardcore, closer just to make money. So that's kind of when I say salesman, that's right and meaning somebody who has a solution and is trying to help people. But with that, you know, myself included you know there are these limiting beliefs. What would you say are probably like the top three limiting beliefs people have towards sales or being a better seller?
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's a great question, I would say. Probably some of the most common ones I hear are you know, I don't want to bug people, right? So when I'm reaching out, if I'm doing prospecting, I don't want to bug people. Also and I think this is big when you're an entrepreneur, if you're looking to become an entrepreneur and you're selling your own thing, sometimes people find it easier to sell for someone else because it's not them, right? So when you are the product which really we all are today because even if you work for a company, people are still buying you, they're buying your energy, they're buying the experience of working with you.
Speaker 3:But what I do see cause we work with a lot of um, we work with a mix of people, but we do work with a lot of entrepreneurs is that when you are the product, you can tend to carry your personal baggage with you, really, oh, but am I like, let's say, someone wants to be a consultant, a thought leader, a coach, a speaker, and you know you've got a message you want to share. You know you can help people, but you also know that you're a human and you know that you make mistakes and you know that you're not perfect in every way. We can sometimes hold back and say, oh, but who's going to want to buy it for me? If they really knew who I was. Right, like the imposter syndrome thing. So I would say, that shows up too. And then the other thing I see people doing a lot is putting their money story on their clients.
Speaker 3:So if here's what I tell people too, they're like well, I don't want to price my stuff too high because then no one's going to buy.
Speaker 3:And it's like well, who's determining whether your pricing is too high or not? Right, there's a large group of buyers out there who won't buy something unless it's at a certain caliber, because they don't trust that it's good enough. Right Like I'm generally one of them, us, right Like I'm, I'm generally one of them. And so when you're looking at pricing your services, you know you want to do it in a way that it's like you can say the number, you can get it out when you're in a sales conversation. It feels stretchy to you, but you still can feel confident that people are getting the way I think about it, it's like at least 10 times the value of what you're charging if they use what they're buying from you. But so just not putting just because you think something is a lot doesn't mean that your clients do. And so really noticing limiting money beliefs and how they may show up in your sales process or with your pricing and not projecting those onto clients, I think is really important.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think those are big ones. I like that, so not bugging people, limiting belief, because you have something to help them. So that's huge, the money one for sure. And then I just spaced.
Speaker 3:No, that's okay. It's when you're the product right. So when you're, you're selling yourself.
Speaker 2:You're human.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:And so so, yeah, so those limiting beliefs of you know bugging people, you know thinking, man, I'm a human and I make mistakes. Who would want to buy from me? And then having the money, beliefs that you're thinking it might be too expensive but there are people out there who will, you know, pay for that premium. Those are big ones that we have to definitely work through and break through. You know, I've been through those myself, and besides just going out there and, you know, knocking on doors or making calls, is there any other way that we can work on breaking those down? Or is it just, you know, practice make perfect?
Speaker 3:Yeah, great question. So we teach a model and a method called the four quadrants of quantum sales growth and I'm happy we've actually got a free course. I'm happy to provide that to your listeners if that's helpful. But it was inspired by in my sales and then my entrepreneurial journey, spending over 10 years stuck at the same level. So I was trying, I was taking a lot of action, I was, I was a high performer, so I always did well, like I would hit low six figures in income.
Speaker 3:I did well, I kind of checked the boxes there, but constantly struggling with limiting beliefs, feeling unworthy of what I wanted, wanting more, wanting to perform more, wanting to be not just a good performer but like a great performer right and have amazing results, but never experiencing that and wondering why I felt so stuck on a hamster wheel. And about four years ago I went on a journey of really looking to get unstuck in that area and wondering why it was that for 10 years I'd been trying so hard to break past a certain plateau and I couldn't do it. And so I started studying neuroscience, I started studying the power of the subconscious mind, I started studying identity, belief systems, how those play into our results, and I started really diving in and went down the rabbit hole and took some what felt like very bold action for me at the time, investing very, very heavily in coaching, getting way out of my comfort zone. And it was in that process that I went from having been stuck at the same level for over a decade to turning my annual income into my monthly income in six weeks. And so, when I look back at it, it wasn't doing more of the same. It wasn't just like just show up, take the action, knock on the doors, do the thing and eventually the beliefs go away. No, it was. I actually shifted my identity and I shifted my self-concept.
Speaker 3:So one of the things that we teach in the four quadrants of quantum sales growth is that your results will never supersede your identity. And so you can say, all day long, you know, let's say, someone's a nine to five right now, but they want to launch their business, they want to have a successful business that gives them time freedom and money freedom you can say you want to do that all day long and you'll probably take some action towards that every day, but it's not going to be the same type of action that you would take if you had a deep inner belief and knowing that your success was inevitable, that you were already a six, multi, six, seven figure business owner or beyond, whatever your goal is, it's a very different identity and embodiment. So there's there's a process and we teach it in the course. So, again, like people can go deeper into that.
Speaker 3:But I would say like, yes, we want to be taking the action every day, but we simultaneously also want to look at for me to have the results that I want in my sales and in my business, who do I need to be? Because this is where people get. They get manifesting and vision boarding and all of that, which are great. I love it. But they get it messed up because they think I'm just going to, like, put the picture of the money on the vision board and I'm going to sit there and I'm going to look at it and then it's just going to show up. It's not how it works in life. We don't get what we want. We get what we are.
Speaker 3:So the question you want to ask is who do I need to be in order to have those results? And I don't know if you're a Joe Dispenza listener, but he talks about our personality creates our personal reality, and our personality is made up of our thoughts, our feelings and our actions. And so to really look at for the results you want if you want to be a full time successful business owner, or maybe your early stages, and you want to scale and really blow it up in beautiful ways who is the person who does that? What are your thoughts, what are your feelings, what are your actions? And then the daily work is practicing, embodiment of that and noticing.
Speaker 3:When am I thinking a thought of lack, limitation, I can't do this, that I wouldn't be thinking for me and result when am I feeling feelings which our body gets addicted to? Cortisol? It gets addicted to stress chemicals. When am I feeling feelings which our body gets addicted to cortisol it gets addicted to stress chemicals. What am I feeling? Feelings that I wouldn't be feeling from a place of abundance, expansion you know all the success I can imagine. When am I getting caught up in old emotional triggers and reactive patterns?
Speaker 3:And then again, what actions would I be taking if I knew my success was guaranteed? That I'm not taking right now, that I'm holding back on because I'm caught up in fear, or I'm caught up in not trusting myself, and so that to me is one of that's the first quadrant of quantum sales growth. We call it mind over matter, which most people think means just push through, just make it happen, just take the action. But with this I mean know how your mind, your belief systems, your self-concept literally influences the physical 3D matter in your world what's in your bank account, how your clients are showing up, how your business is doing, et cetera. So there's neuroscience in that, there's some quantum physics in that, but that's you want to go inside right. We're always causing an effect in our lives. So if I wanted the effect of a business at this level, how can I be the cause of that and who would I need to be to create that?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so with that, is that, like you know, you have to get up at 5 am, you have to. I mean, is that part of it getting up early? Or does that just depend on the person? You know the working out like in my mind? Yes, like, I think getting up early, getting things done, working out, uh, is part of it, at least for me. Is that where you see a lot of people leaning to, or is it completely different based on person, or are those? Are there similar, um, I guess similar traits or attributes, attributes that people need to start embodying to get to that? Do you see that?
Speaker 3:Yeah, absolutely. So what's so powerful about this? And I am, I'm an early riser. My kids are almost exactly the same age as yours, so you get it. Your kids are up like crazy hours and if you want to get anything done, you get up. But I've always been an early riser, even since before kids, so I love that.
Speaker 3:I also don't think that that is a requirement, because I have clients and I see people in our community where they want to sleep in and they value that, but they have different patterns. They have different working patterns. They get their workout in at a different time. Maybe they're night owls and that works better for them. So I think you can look at, okay, for the person who has the results I want, what are their habits, what are their patterns, how's their schedule? And that may mean that you're getting up earlier, that you're doing. You know the miracle morning you're, you're doing your schedule in the morning, which is beautiful, um.
Speaker 3:But I don't think that it's a 100% requirement. I think it's knowing yourself, knowing your rhythms, knowing how you operate most. And I think the important thing too is whatever you believe to be true is going to be true. So if you believe that you can only be successful if you wake up at 5am and do the things, then you will only be successful if you wake up at 5am and do the things. But if you believe I can create success, like maybe you're it's not me at all, this is my husband Maybe you're a night owl and you do well during that time, like I'm asleep at eight o'clock, I'm just fine, I can imagine being up later. But if you believe that really successful entrepreneurs, creatives, whoever they're up doing their thing at night and that's going to be your time, then beautiful, then you'll be successful with that.
Speaker 3:There are habits and attributes of people who are highly successful in their field, right, so things like they're decisive. Right, they make decisions quickly, they trust themselves, they change the decision slowly, they take bold moves and bold action. They believe in themselves, they invest in themselves, they believe that they're an asset. They continually work on themselves, improving themselves, growing themselves. They have a mindset of generosity, expansion, abundance, service. So study successful people, study people who have the results that you want.
Speaker 3:And there's even a concept that we teach in our programs called creating your board of advisors, where you basically I'm trying to see doing my index card yeah, I've got mine right here, so I just have a little post it note that's on my computer. This is my board of advisors and so I love this concept because some people may have but probably most people listening didn't grow up with parents who necessarily embodied the level of success or the type of life they want to live right now. Maybe so, but I'd say it's more common than not, at least with the clients we work with, where something else was modeled and now you're looking to. You're looking to grow, you want to have a you know, million dollar, multimillion dollar business. You want to have a certain type of lifestyle, and your parents might say you're crazy. What are you talking about? You know you should conserve, and it's not making parents wrong, but it's just noticing like they're the people who instilled the belief systems in you. So if you want to create different experiences, you've got to start to think like different people.
Speaker 3:So the idea is you take people who have the results that you want in life.
Speaker 3:They can be living, they can be dead, doesn't matter. Mine's generally a bunch of like old, dead dudes I look at who's not my board of advisors like old, dead dudes, but the important thing is they have the results that you're looking for and they they lived life the way that you want to live it, and so you don't have to know them personally. They can be coaches or mentors or they can be you know, it can be again someone who you've never met. But you write down their name and when you're making a decision, you ask like I'll ask like how would Wayne Dyer think about this? Or how would Bob Proctor think about this? You get different ideas that show up. So never ask someone for their advice unless they have the results that you want in life Really, really important. So this concept can help you ascend and can help you have different perspectives of people who have the level of success you desire and you start thinking that way, you'll start taking different actions and you'll start getting different results.
Speaker 2:I love that and it's true and I think, yeah, yeah, and what you said and I kind of heard the same thing is you know, your successes can only reach the level of where you are personally. Basically, like to paraphrase kind of what you had said earlier. I said you have to know yourself and you have to be a continuous learner and continuous be a continuous grower, like you have to continue to. You know, improve and get to the next level, because you can't, you can't do the next thing or succeed in the next level by saying where you are, like you always have to constantly becoming better and learning. And, um, yeah, I just think that's so pivotal and I love you know the, your board of directors, your team there that you have on your note card, like having items. What would they do or like how would they respond to something like this or what action would they take, in what way? Um, it is a great, great thing to kind of take you out of it and look at people who are more successful and and, um, like, okay, that's how they would do it Then that's what I want to do, kind of thing. So, um, so, with that, with like, if we were at that point. You know we built that out.
Speaker 2:We've started to see ourselves different. We started to take the actions of what our future successful self will do. How does that correlate into sales? Now I want to dive into sales. How's that correlated into sales? And now I want to dive into sales. We improve, you know, our, our close percentage. How do we um bring on more clients at a more, you know, steady rate? Obviously, being a different person, um, you know, living into that is is part of it. But is there? Are there scripts? Are there? Is there certain words? You shouldn't say? You should say let's just dive into selling and kind of like high level, to improve on this aspect as well. Now that we've, we're improving our mindset about ourselves, absolutely.
Speaker 3:Absolutely so. The fourth quadrant, the last quadrant that we teach of quantum sales growth. We call it method, so they all start with an M Method is strategy. Right Now, what's really interesting is when you look at neuroscience, 95 to 98% of your results are going to be based on your inner self-concept. So that's why we prioritize the method. Last, because two people can be running the exact same strategy.
Speaker 3:You'll see this in business, like two people in the same industry, the same town. One is crushing it, thriving, the other one shutting down their business. Why it was actually their self-beliefs. It's their self-concept. So, yes, let's talk about it, we're going to do it. I just want to kind of lay that foundation down of why the first part of what we talked about is so paramount. A few things I'll say with strategy, and we're actually doing an event later today where I'm going to be talking about this. So this is like very top of mind. Um, yes, one of the things that I have seen, we just we're coming off our biggest revenue month yet as a company last month, and the continual focus leading into that was how can we make things better in everything that we're doing? So it's I'm huge on expansion. I'm huge on setting bigger goals. I'm huge on ascending, like we're doing that as a company, as a team, and what I know is that better leads to bigger. So, right now, wherever you are, whether you have no clients, whether you have one client, whether you have, you know, 20 and you're looking to go to a hundred or beyond, whatever it is one of the first places I would start is by looking at, with everything that we're doing, with how we're showing up, with how we're serving our clients, with, you know, with our sales strategy, with all of it, how can we make this better? Right, if we were just going to pour that energy into that, what could be improved, what could be elevated, what could be ascended? So I think that's really, really key and important, because the more that you pour into, intend what you already have that's that's working the more you appreciate your clients, the more you pour into them, the more that's going to continue to grow organically, right.
Speaker 3:One other thing that I'll say and I love this was, um, a quote from Michael Singer the surrender experiment. I don't know if you've read it, but he, uh he ended up kind of inadvertently leading. It was a I don't know, a multi-billion dollar company was like a um, a Buddhist monk before that like had no intention of doing that, but his whole strategy and business was I'm going to do the very best with what's in front of me, with no expectation of personal return. So it's a similar mindset in that approach, although it's not a strategy per se, that led him to referrals, bigger opportunities, growth. So I want to ground the strategy conversation in that energy.
Speaker 3:I think that's really important and I think we can get so caught up in like grabby grabby, let me seek more for vanity's sake, whereas if you come at what you're doing in every action from this energy of how can I make things better and then how can I do my best with what's in front of me, with no expectation of personal return, the bigger will come, the numbers will come, the sales will come.
Speaker 3:So I think that's one piece From a strategic standpoint today and from what are some of the things that can help you really stand out. I do think that everyone today needs to think of themselves as a media company, which is part of the power of what you do and the power of video and the power of podcasting and growing your brand. I remember when I first left my corporate job and I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur. This was like, oh my gosh, 2015. So it was a long time ago. I had one client who had paid me $300 to review a presentation for him and I said it's proof of concept, I can make money outside of corporate. I'm out.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:But I was very intentional about building my brand and being visible and seen as a thought leader in my space, even though I had, like, no clients at the time, and so I started a daily video series and the videos were terrible. I mean, I didn't know anything about lighting, right, I didn't. I think the lighting all was behind me. Um, I looked like some weird shadowy Darth Vader. Um, you know no best practices, but I was like every day, I'm going to show up, I'm going to do a video that adds value to people, and I would just post that on LinkedIn, and I think it was LinkedIn and Facebook. Back then, I started a networking group for sales professionals in my industry. I was going into sales coaching, so I was like I'm going to lead a networking group that helps them. I'm going to be the hub of the group. Again, that's part of the power of whether you're the leader of a networking group, whether you're hosting your show, having a platform where people see you as an expert, which anyone can do today, which is important. I think that's really key to be building your brand and to be known and seen in your space and really getting known for one thing too. So when we're brand building.
Speaker 3:It can be easy to say well, oprah has a big brand and she talks about everything. She talks about health, spirituality, family, money, business relationships. She can because she's Oprah the winner. Yeah, exactly, people. Just they know her by name, they're going to listen to whatever she has to say. But if you don't have that name recognition yet and that's fine, none of us do when we start honing in on getting known, for one thing, remembering that your personal brand isn't actually so much about you as it is about the person you serve and being just being the guide for them, the expert for them, or the conduit of information that's going to help them with what they want and what they need.
Speaker 3:So I think building a foundation of establishing yourself as a thought leader in your space, whatever that looks like for you, is really, really important. And then it makes sales conversations different, because you can be having a conversation with someone and send them an episode you recorded on whatever it is that you're selling right. Here's a helpful tool. Oh my gosh, suddenly Chris is no longer just trying to sell me something. He's a thought leader, he's an expert. Yes, I'm going to listen right. Also, a very powerful platform to connect with prospects and ideal clients as well. So, and again, we can talk closing strategies.
Speaker 2:If you want, we can talk any part of strategy but I do think that that's an important piece for anyone who wants to grow sales today on camera as a face. You know it's. It's great to have the c-level people as that person because, like, we have to build that no like and trust factor in a different way now, because there is so much noise in in the spaces, in the markets and, with ai coming and people creating so much content. Like that's how you have to separate yourself. I mean, we see it. Um, nutter butter was an example, like started to really push out some weird tiktok, but like, like it's making their brand relevant again. It's staying connected. Um, I mean, you just look at you know we're in. You know in the united states, whether whichever side you're on doesn't necessarily matter, but like you saw you. You know president elect Trump, like his social media campaign, and and how he tied into uh, even, uh, you know Kamala, uh, vice president Kamala, like she went on podcasts, like she went on things that were blowing up, like to to get the image out there, to get her face out there in a more prevalent way, and and and Trump did it as well Like it's just becoming such a need now within your business marketing strategy and I think, personally, live streams are going to be the next kind of big thing doing shows live, um, because there's no editing um there think, personally, live streams are going to be the next kind of big thing doing shows live, because there's no editing um.
Speaker 2:There you have the ability to communicate with people directly during the episode, um and take questions and again, it just builds up more transparency, especially with ai coming in and ai generated content. So I think you're you're so right on getting online and just becoming especially if you're starting out like just really known for one specific thing, because it just makes the sale easier, because we are going to see less hard selling and it's going to be that relationship kind of sell. But with that, all that to say or ask, as we're building that personal brand and people are seeing us as an expert, there's still going to be a little gap. How would you recommend people maybe it's cold, maybe it's lukewarm opening those conversations with someone about potentially becoming a client?
Speaker 3:Yeah, absolutely so. I'm big on what we call it lean back energy. So I think we can make prospecting feel hard or sales reach outs feel hard when we get attached to what someone's going to think of us or whether someone's going to say yes to us or not. And so practicing non-attachment and practicing to me one of my beliefs is like and I didn't used to believe this, but I instilled this belief and learned it from great mentors and it's really helped me. It's like I'm always going to achieve my goals. I don't make clients source, so no one person is going to determine whether I achieve my goals or not. And I also believe in being in the energy of letting clients rise up to your level. So knowing that you have something amazing to offer and that people are at choice in terms of whether they want to participate in that or not. And it just shifts the energy and the dynamic if you're DMing or if you're emailing or texting or whatever you're doing. But so the energy that we're in when we do that initial outreach and I can just use some examples from some of what we do so obviously we sell coaching and consulting, so someone can kind of translate this for whatever it is that they do. But if I was going to DM someone who I thought could be a great client for us, it might be something like hey, chris, I love seeing how much you're growing in your business. I love seeing how much you're ascending. Congratulations on XYZ award.
Speaker 3:Recently I felt nudged to reach out to you and I don't know if this is going to be a fit right now or not, so please feel free to let me know either way. But I just had a private client coaching spot open up. Let me know if it's of interest to hop on a call and explore. I just love what you're doing. I love who you are and what you're up to and if it, you know if it might feel good for us to look at working together to help you continue to ascend. I'd be more than happy to have that conversation. Either way, hope you're doing phenomenal and let me know what's been going on, like something like that where there's no you don't feel like push energy for me, right?
Speaker 2:You don't feel You're a quirk of the thing?
Speaker 3:Yeah exactly.
Speaker 2:You don't show any scarcity of like I need you to do this. Yeah, Okay.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I like that. Then did you find that for you, more success comes from DMs or texts or emails? You find one pathway is better than the other.
Speaker 3:We, so we do it so many different ways. Yeah, I came from a very traditional, so this is embarrassing. My first sales job was selling yellow pages. Like if you want to have like a throwback, a lot of people listening probably don't know what that is. People who know what it is aren't admitting it. But so I I used to believe and only sell like you could only sell in person or over the phone. You've got to have meetings. It's got to be really structured and we serve and work with a lot of clients in corporate now where that's also their way of selling, and sure we sell that way. We get on Zooms with clients, we get on meetings.
Speaker 3:But I love selling in DMs, I love selling by text. I just started building the belief that like I can't, like I want. When I'm buying I want things to be easy. I usually don't want to get on a call with people. I want you to text me and let me take a look at it, let me see what and like I'll let you know if we'll do it, if I want to do it. But there I mean there's so many ways that we can sell today I do a lot of voice texting If someone needs to hop on a call. We hop on a call, that's fine, but I mean, I think it's just it's a different way today. Yeah.
Speaker 2:That'd be easy. I'm with you a hundred percent because I'm what we're seeing right. Also, attention spans are so short and so I think people just want simple, they just want, you know, almost straight to the point, somewhat, a little bit, and I agree, I think we're trying to build out a better pipeline with that. You know, we we were doing emails. I just I find like open rates good, but we have to change them. So pop some stuff up for like our click rate on lead magnets and things. We're like our click rate on lead magnets and things. We're trying to add value that way. First, um, with what we do as video production and you know events and things like recording those, yeah, in the podcast side, but, um, yeah, thanks.
Speaker 2:Just I think even that can be, can be done in a simpler way through, you know, dms and text where more people are going to see it respond. And I think again, I like that lean back strategy. I like like, hey, this is what we got, this is what we can do, or this is what, like, I would love to give you something for free. Like but if you don't want to no worries, like it's all good, kind of that, like carefree, almost that's it. Mindset was it.
Speaker 3:That's it, yeah, and the one other thing I'll say that has we've been doing this consistently for a little over a year now. It's just having some sort of for us. We do it monthly, but like a monthly it's usually free. Sometimes it's low ticket, but it's usually free, like a monthly live free event. And as we record this, ours is today and tomorrow. So it's like I'm in that energy right now, but it's such a fun. I want to.
Speaker 3:You want to think about, like, what are easy yeses for people? So a harder yes is let's get on a call and talk about whether we're a good fit to work together. But an easy yes could be hey, I'm hosting a free training on how to 10 X your brand via video podcasting. This year it's recorded. If you can't join live like, do you want? But we're hosting it next week, do you want the link for it? Link for it. So.
Speaker 3:And in that training obviously you give a lot of value. You also make an offer for what you have. So we have those pretty much monthly and to me it's it just keeps momentum going in the business and it's so when we're reaching out to people, a lot of times it's to invite them to that next event and then they come in and they can get in the energy and they can see for themselves. Do I like this? Do Do I want to go deeper, do I not? And it's just, it's a very different conversation when people are warm and they've been through like they know what it's like to be in your energy already and what you do. And I think you can do that, whether you're in corporate, whether you're an entrepreneur, and you can put on some sort of a free value add webinar training, at least monthly, that you're inviting people to and that'll build a lot of good momentum in your business as well I love it and I and it's like this when doing it this way.
Speaker 2:You know what you describe and this guys, this, everyone listen this is very high level. Obviously, you know she has her free course that she talked about. That goes in more in depth, but it it takes more of the pressure off. You know it's more relationship building which lasts longer. Anyways, it builds a good foundation.
Speaker 2:So and it takes like I said that that stress out of it, yeah, because you're, you know you're giving value, you're adding value, you're showing what you have and then if they're ready, great. If not, you know the next, the person is that now they're waiting on it, and so this has just been a good conversation. I think a lot of people can take a lot away and start to change their mindset about, you know, selling also their position on their actions, like where, what I need to do to be who I should be to get to that point. So again, fantastic conversation. Thank you so much for sharing all this and taking your time out to be on here. Where can people find you easiest to learn more, connect with what you're doing and get your help if they want?
Speaker 3:Yeah, thank you so much for asking, chris. So elisarchercom is the hub for all the things and the free course is at elisarchercom slash four quadrants. So if someone goes there they can grab that course. And it's a seven day but you can binge it in a day if you want. But a deep dive training into the four quadrants and it's I think it's super powerful. So highly encourage people to check that out as well.
Speaker 2:Awesome, yeah. So everyone listen, make sure you do that, get connected with Elise, learn from her and, yeah, you know, if it's the right fit, get get her help on a higher level. And again, elise, thanks so much for being on the Elevate Media podcast today. Thanks.
Speaker 3:Chris, it was great, absolutely.
Speaker 1:Thank you for listening to the Elevate Media podcast. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review. See you in the next episode.